Hi All,
 i am seeing strange behaviour with the most recent findutils update
when using -prune with a -path which is an existing file which is not
a directory. It seems the "pruning" is held over for the next found

: 1030; mkdir C
: 1031; touch B C/X C/Y D
: 1032; find . \( -path ./A -prune \) -o -print
: 1033; find . \( -path ./B -prune \) -o -print
: 1034; find . \( -path ./C -prune \) -o -print
: 1035; find . \( -path ./D -prune \) -o -print
: 1036; find . \( -path ./E -prune \) -o -print

I expected 1033 to include ./C/X and ./C/Y also.  Am i expecting the
wrong thing ? Is anyone else seeing this ? Thanks in advance for any

cygcheck.out attached

 - robbie

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Description: Binary data

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