
the package openjade is missing the "sgml-common" dependency in setup.hint.

$ cygcheck -c openjade
Cygwin Package Information
Package              Version         Status
openjade             1.4devel1-2     OK

Error after setup:
Package: openjade
 openjade.sh exit code 127
Package: OpenSP
 OpenSP.sh exit code 127
Package: No package
 openjade.sh exit code 127
 OpenSP.sh exit code 127

The postinstall scripts include a call to install-catalog which is
part of the sgml-common package.
Proposed fix: add dependency to setup.hint


requires: libgcc1 libosp5 libostyle1 libstdc++6


requires: libgcc1 libosp5 libostyle1 libstdc++6 sgml-common

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Gerrit P. Haase

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