I have a working cygwin installation. I want to download only a single 
package (cron, say) and its dependenciess. To do this, I need to start the 
package-selection screen in setup from a "skip or keep everything" state, 
that is, do not download anything.

Is this what prev/curr/exp are designed to do? None of them do this for me; 
they all leave multiple packages selected for download.

So, I press "curr" and then manually switch each package individually to 
skip, or keep, or (current version #), whichever is available. Then I 
select "cron", then "next". Setup promptly begins downloading dozens of 
packages, most of which obviously have nothing to do with cron (opengl, for 

Here are my questions:

1) How can I get the setup package screen to a "skip everything" state?
2) Is this the defined behavior for setup?
3) If not, what is the defined behavior for setup? What are prev, curr, and 
exp supposed to do? What is the difference between choosing skip, keep, and 
the current version number? Why can I sometimes select one of those options 
but not the others?

I have tried the FAQ, the user guide, man setup, setup --help, and the 
mailing list archives for cygwin and cygwin-apps back through November. If 
there is a guide or FAQ for setup.exe, I have not been able to find it.

If cygcheck output would be helpful, it can be found at 
http://home.earthlink.net/~felixmendelssohnn/cygcheck.out-020314 .

I am running Win2k SP2, and using an unmodified setup.ini. Generally 
speaking, cygwin has been a godsend. bash alone makes it worthwhile.

Thanks in advance for any help.


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