
while compiling kdm from kde 2.2.1 I recognized some missing symbols in the cygwin dll.

/home/habacker/tmp/kde/anoncvs.kde.org/kdebase/kdm/backend/dm.c:427: undefined 
reference to
/home/habacker/tmp/kde/anoncvs.kde.org/kdebase/kdm/backend/dm.c:455: undefined 
reference to
/home/habacker/tmp/kde/anoncvs.kde.org/kdebase/kdm/backend/dm.c:468: undefined 
reference to

The header is in /usr/include/sys/utmp.h and the source is located in
but the cygwin.dll does not export this symbols.
Are these symbols only be forgotten, or does this have a deeper reason ?

If the first reason is true, it is possible to add this symbols ?



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