I'm a grad student in a Compiler Tools course, and (as part of the course) 
we're compiling a subset of the Python language down to C, and from there to 
x86 Assmebly.  Our code has to pass a lengthy series of test-suites for 
correctness (comparing the output of our compiled C Code with that of native 
Python code), and I stumbled across what seems to be a quirky bug in Cygwin 
Python 2.5.1 (the most recent install). 

To the point.  If I run a simple two-line Python module: 

  print 0.0 
  print -0.0 

...it gives the following output (as you'd expect): 


However, if I remove the first line: 

  print -0.0 

...I get... 


It seems to matter whether I've previously called "print 0.0" in the module.  
No other "print <float>" commands make a difference.  Obviously, that seems 
strange (and doesn't follow the Python language definition). 

That behavior doesn't show up in other installs of Python I've seen (IDLE, 
Windows command-line, or Linux command-line), just in Cygwin. 

I'm not sure if this bug has been identified yet (it's a quirky corner case, 
and I didn't see anything to this affect in the Archives), but I thought I'd 
throw that out there.  Run python and check for yourself if you wanna see it 
(from the shell it always prints "-0.0", but from a file it's inconsistent.  
Either way, it should just spit out "0.0"). 

In the meantime, I'm a bit frustrated that my code fails certain tests at home 
on Cygwin (due to no error of my own), but otherwise passes on the professor's 
box (MacOS command line).  Eh, I s'pose it's better than vice-versa, but still. 

Any suggestions or workarounds? 


- Mike 

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