I've updated the nfs-server package for Cygwin to version 2.3-1.

  As active development on the package seems to have stalled
(see http://sourceforge.net/projects/unfs/ - last release was
three years ago), and this release contains significant changes,
I decided to bump the version number to 2.3 to reflect the fact
that this package has essentially become a fork of the original

  Changes in this release include: =20

  - Configuration now handled completely by autoconf
  - Updated source layout and general source code cleanup
  - Much updated nfs-server-config script
  - Improved documentation
  - Removed CDF support in favor of future ClusterNFS integration.
  - Added support for simple '*' as allowed host in /etc/exports
  - Added support for setting root uid on command line

  With these changes, the nfs-server now passes almost all of the
Connectathon (http://www.connectathon.org/nfstests.html) tests.
If anyone knows of other nfs-server test suites that could be used
to help verify the correctness of the server, I'd be happy to get
a pointer to them.

                       *** INSTALLATION ***

To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link on
the http://cygwin.com/ web page.  This downloads setup.exe to your
system.  Then, run setup and answer all of the questions. =20


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