
Not that this is a cygwin-specific problem, but CPAN works fine
behind a proxy/firewall.

Add this to ~/.wgetrc:
use_proxy = on

Also, some programs use the env vars (so add them to your .<shell>rc):
export http_proxy=my-web-proxy.internal.mydomain:8080
export ftp_proxy=my-web-proxy.internal.mydomain:8080


(for reference, question:)
DePriest, Jason R. wrote:
CPAN is awesome and can download and compile modules for me in cygwin
(as long as I am not behind a proxy server),

** -- note, the important part of the message, the "response" or
"answer" comes first.  The most current and relevant information
comes first.  The more distant the history of a discussion,
the less important it usually becomes to the current participants.
Bottomposting wastes peoples' time as they are forced to scroll
down to find the beginning of the actual reply.  You can't jump
to the bottom, because you don't know how long the response will
be.  When procedures communciate, they do so by pushing arguments
onto the "top" of a stack (even if it is implemented top-down) --
why?  Because it is efficient -- the most recently used data is
the closest.  Reverse chronological order is also used by
professionals in the most lucrative fields because their time is
precious.   This footnote is appended at the end because in the
context of this answer, it is of least importance.

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