I had a problem with 'setup.exe' for the first time today.

I finally seemed to have cleared it up. This is merely a heads up for other who may experience similar problems.

I always use a copy of 'setup.exe on' my hard disk (since I use FireFox, and am generally paranoid about Net executables), which is the latest version (Setup+2.573.2.2+DL_2008-04-17).

It made no difference which server I used (I tried over 15!), or what the protocol was (http vs ftp), they all failed.

The error messages/conditions, however, varied by server and whether, the server had the latest updates (cygwin-1.5.25-12, tar-1.20-1). Also, some servers seemed "to think" that I have not installed about the last 10 updates, while other "thought" I have everything (and apparently have not yet updated to: cygwin-1.5.25-12, tar-1.20-1).

I'm running Vista home premium (SP1 & updates beyond), and Symantec Norton 360 (v2.1.0.5) which had not been a problem, up until today (and I do an update almost every day). I finally got it to work after I suspended both the auto-anti-virus protection, and the firewall. However, I'm not sure that that was the fix.

(Every day, a Mac looks better to me. Sigh!)

It's interesting to note that I can't even send email unless Cygwin is working, since I use an ssh tunnel to my mail server. Yet another kudo for Cygwin.

Could this have been a temporal glitch in Comcast's net? (The problems were always during the download phase, not the install phase.)

BTB, the "new" setup feature of warning you that key files are locked, and then let's you correct the problem during the setup session rocks! Kudos to the "chef".

The next update, I'll try again w/o messing with N360 to get a better idea of where the problem lies, and report if anybody's interested.

Lee, JAVOTRH -- just another victim of the Redmond hordes

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