The terminfo package has been updated to version 5.7_20090221-1.  It
contains the terminfo database that enables proper operation of
ncurses-based applications.

This will most likely be the final terminfo update for the cygwin-1.5
distribution; future development will continue with
terminfo-5.7_20090221-10 for cygwin-1.7.

IMPORTANT:  You must upgrade libncurses8 (to 5.7-1) and terminfo (to
5.7_20090221-1) simultaneously.

CHANGES (since 5.5_20061104-1)
o Resync'ed with 20090221 patchlevel of ncurses-5.7
o Build using stock cygport 0.4.3
o Split into two packages: terminfo and terminfo-extra.
  - terminfo contains the same terminals provided by Fedora 10's
    'ncurses-base' package, such as cygwin, vt*, xterm*,
    putty*, screen*, and rxvt*, and a few others.
  - terminfo-extra contains everything else.
o Upstream changes:
  - /usr/share/terminfo database now organized by hex code
    of first character (e.g. instead of r/rxvt, we have 72/rxvt
    (0x72 == 'r'). See warning, below.

Because of a slight change in the organization of the terminfo database,
terminfo entries NOT part of the terminfo package may need to be
manually upgraded or moved.  To improve operation on case-insensitive
platforms, the terminfo database is now organizaed according to the
two-digit hexadecimal code of the entry's first letter, instead of
organized according to that first letter itself.  For instance:

  OLD             --->   NEW
  r/rxvt-unicode         72/rxvt-unicode

To "fix" any out-of-place entries, you may manually move them to the
correct location, or re-run tic.exe on the original terminfo source for
that terminal.  In the case of rxvt-unicode:

$ /etc/postinstall/

will do the job.

Charles Wilson
terminfo volunteer maintainer for cygwin

To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link on
the web page.  This downloads setup.exe to your
system.  Then, run setup and answer all of the questions.


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