Updated: indent 2.2.11-1 -- C language source code formatting program

2010-06-25 Thread Jari Aalto


Homepage: http://www.gnu.org/software/indent
License : GPL

Change layout of a C program by inserting or deleting whitespace.
Program provides options for controlling the alignment of braces and
declarations, program indenting, and other stylistic parameters,
including formatting C comments.


See /usr/share/doc/indent-*/ChangeLog
and http://indent.isidore-it.eu/beautify.html for release information.




To install this package, click on the Install Cygwin now link on the
http://cygwin.com/ web page. This downloads setup.exe to your
system. Then, run setup and answer all of the questions. You'll find
the package listed in the All category. After installation, read the
documentation at directories:


If you have questions or comments, please send them to the Cygwin
mailing list at cyg...@cygwin.com.


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CALL FOR TESTING: Cygwin 1.7.6 due soon

2010-06-25 Thread Corinna Vinschen
A lot of changes and fixes have been made in Cygwin since 1.7.5 has
been released, so we're looking forward to release Cygwin 1.7.6 soon.

Please test the latest developer snapshots at http://cygwin.com/snapshots/
which should have Release Candidate quality.

Please report bugs to the cygwin at cygwin dot com mailing list.
Please follow the guidelines at http://cygwin.com/problems.html
Be aware that we're mainly focusing on regressions from 1.7.5.

What's new:

- Add new mount options dos and ihash to allow overriding Cygwin
  default behaviour on broken filesystems not recognized by Cygwin.

- A new mechanism is used to propagate pty handles safely to other
  processes, which does not require to use Cygserver.

- Pass on coresize settings made with setrlimit(2).  This allows
  shells to disable creating stackdump files in child processes via
  `ulimit -c 0' in bash or `limit coredumpsize 0' in tcsh.

- Locale categories contain all localization strings additionally as
  wide-char strings.  locale(1) prints these values just as on Linux.
  nl_langinfo(3) allows to fetch them.


- Fix problem where pseudo-relocs were getting applied twice, resulting
  in a crash.

- Fix a crash when accessing /proc/registry*

- Avoid that connect on a not yet established AF_LOCAL/AF_UNIX
  socket misinterprets the socket file as non-socket.

- Fix stdin/out/err handle permissions when called from a non-Cygwin

- Fix codeset problem in internal handling of process name.

- Fix abbreviated month names for japanese and korean locale.

- Fix calls to gettimeofday after call to settimeofday.

- Fix REG_MULTI_SZ handling in /proc/registry*

- Honor cygwin username even if it only differs by case from Windows

- Fix potential memory leak when accessing // or //server directories.

- Fix using a wrong handle when cehcking for files inaccessible to
  current user.

- Fix erroneous handling of devices in path checking.

- Fix potential crash in exec(2) if parent uses file locking.

Other changes:

- Change the way a process is made process group leader in case
  we're started from a non-Cygwin process.  This isn't foolproof
  and may need more work.

- Workaround BLODA problem in rename(2) which otherwise results
  in annoying errors.

- Improve error output in strace.

- Add more workarounds for broken filesystems which either don't grok
  reopening a file by handle (NWFS) or which are not capable of
  handling filenames with leading spaces or trailing dots or spaces
  (NWFS, Netapp).

- Don't try to evaluate reparse points (junctions) on remote
  filesystems as symlinks.

- Improve performance of stat and a few other functions.  ls(1) should
  be up to 30% faster on some drives.


To update your installation, click on the Install Cygwin now link
on the http://cygwin.com/ web page.  This downloads setup.exe to
your system.  Then, run setup and answer all of the questions.


If you want to unsubscribe from the cygwin-announce mailing list, look
at the List-Unsubscribe:  tag in the email header of this message.
Send email to the address specified there. It will be in the format:


If you need more information on unsubscribing, start reading here:


Please read *all* of the information on unsubscribing that is available
starting at this URL.

Corinna Vinschen  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader  cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

Updated: findutils-4.5.9-1

2010-06-25 Thread Eric Blake
A new release of findutils, 4.5.8-1, is available, leaving 4.5.5-1 as

This is a new upstream release.  Upstream news is attached.  See also


The findutils package contains programs which will help you locate files
on your system.  The find utility searches through a hierarchy of
directories looking for files which match a certain set of criteria
(such as a filename pattern).  The xargs utility builds and executes
command lines from standard input arguments (usually lists of file names
generated by the find command).  The locate utility scans a database of
filenames and displays matches.  The updatedb utility builds the
database for locate.

To update your installation, click on the Install Cygwin now link on
the http://cygwin.com/ web page.  This downloads setup.exe to your
system. Save it and run setup, answer the questions and pick up
'findutils' from the 'Base' category (it should already be selected).

Note that downloads from sourceware.org (aka cygwin.com) aren't allowed
due to bandwidth limitations.  This means that you will need to find a
mirror which has this update, please choose the one nearest to you:

If you want to make a point or ask a question the Cygwin mailing list is
the appropriate place.

Eric Blake
volunteer cygwin findutils maintainer

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to the address specified there.  It will be in the format:


If you need more information on unsubscribing, start reading here:


Please read *all* of the information on unsubscribing that is available
starting at this URL.

* Major changes in release 4.5.9, 2010-04-29

** Bug Fixes

#29593: Make import-gnulib.sh work under a POSIX shell.

#29511: fails to build on kfreebsd-*

#27563: -L breaks -execdir

#19593: -execdir  {} + has suboptimal performance (see below)

** Translations

Updated translations: Chinese (simplified).

** Performance changes

The find program will once again build argument lists longer than 1
with -execdir ...+.  The upper limit of 1 argument for execdir was
introduced as a workaround in findutils-4.3.4.   The limit is now
removed, but find still does not issue the maximum possible number of
arguments, since an exec will occur each time find encounters a
subdirectory (if at least one argument is pending).

** Functional enhancements to xargs

You can now increase the parallelism of xargs in mid-run by sending
it SIGUSR1, and decrease the parallelism with SIGUSR2.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Updated: pcre-8.02-1

2010-06-25 Thread Yaakov (Cygwin/X)
The following packages have been updated for the Cygwin distribution:

*** pcre-8.02-1
*** libpcre0-8.02-1
*** libpcre-devel-8.02-1
*** libpcrecpp0-8.02-1
*** libpcrecpp-devel-8.02-1

This is an update to the latest upstream version.




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there.  It will be in the format:


If you need more information on unsubscribing, start reading here:


Please read *all* of the information on unsubscribing that is available
starting at this URL.

Updated: aria2-1.9.4-1

2010-06-25 Thread Kostya Altukhov
Version 1.9.4-1 of aria2 has been uploaded.

aria2 is a lightweight  multi-protocol  multi-source, cross platform
download utility operated in command-line. It supports HTTP/HTTPS,
FTP, BitTorrent and Metalink.

This is the latest upstream version.

To update your installation, click on the Install Cygwin now link on
the http://cygwin.com/ web page.  This downloads setup.exe to your
system.  Then, run setup and answer all of the questions.


If you want to unsubscribe from the cygwin-announce mailing list, please
use the automated form at:


If this does not work, then look at the List-Unsubscribe:  tag in the
email header of this message.  Send email to the address specified
there.  It will be in the format:


If you need more information on unsubscribing, start reading here:


Please read *all* of the information on unsubscribing that is
available starting at this URL.