Updated: units 2.23

2024-02-24 Thread Cygwin units Maintainer
The following package has been upgraded in the Cygwin distribution:

* units 2.23

The Units program converts quantities expressed in various scales to
to their equivalents in other scales. The units program can handle
multiplicative scale changes as well as nonlinear conversions such as
Fahrenheit to Celsius or wire gauge. Units comes with an annotated,
extendable database defining over seven thousand units, including 134
nonlinear units, and 125 prefixes, using ten systems of units including
SI, 189 currencies, bitcoin and precious metals prices, plus US CPI
Consumer Price Index, all of which may be updated using units_cur.

For more information see the project pages:


For changes since the previous Cygwin release please see below or read
/usr/share/doc/units/NEWS after installation.

A native Windows binary distribution is also available:


Version 2.23 - 18 February 2024

- Added interactively defined variables, with "_" prefix.
- Because of the above change, a space may be needed after the
  last answer symbol "_" in some situations, e.g. "_m" used to 
  compute "_ * m" but now refers to the user variable _m.
- molarvolume changed to have dimensions of m^3/mol for consistency
  with NIST
- Corrected erroneous definitions of moondist_min and moondist_max
- Added atomic masses for all isotopes of all elements in elements.units
- Added US Consumer Price index in cpi.units, which is updated monthly by
  units_cur.  Inflation calculations are possible with dollars_in() or
  inflation_since() and other related nonlinear units
- Made exchangerate-api the default currency server because floatrates
  was returning incomplete data
- Adjusted US survey units to use the international foot by default due to
  deprecation of the US survey foot
- abs() function works on units with dimensions, like -27 degrees.
- Support unicode operators for division and multiplication
- Ignore QUIT signal, which is sent by Ctrl-Backslash and Ctrl-4.  
- Suppress repeated unit values in display of unit definitions
  (e.g. defining byte as "8 bit = 8 bit")
- Unit reductions that take more than 1000 steps now give a
  "circular reference" error.
- More detailed reporting from the --check (-c) option.
- Fixed bug in positioning pointer to errors in input when the input
  has leading spaces.
- Fixed parser memory leak with numbers too large or small for type
- Allow multiple divisions in expressions that start with "/", e.g. "/m/s"


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Updated: vttest 20240218

2024-02-24 Thread Cygwin vttest Maintainer
The following package has been upgraded in the Cygwin distribution:

* vttest20240218

Tests the functionality of a VT100 terminal (or emulator thereof).
Tests both display (escape sequence handling) and keyboard.
The program is menu-driven and contains full operating instructions.
To run a given menu-item, you enter its number. You can run all
menu-items (for a given level) by entering an asterisk, i.e, '*'.

It has been enhanced to support and test many xterm control and status
escape sequences, and it is mainly used nowadays for testing emulator

See the project home page for more information:


Please see below or read /usr/share/doc/vttest/CHANGES after installation
for details of changes since the last Cygwin release.



- other improvements

  - modify DECAC test to include the window-frame

  - accept a 23/unsupported response for DSR status of UDK

- improve/correct resetting of character-sets after tests:

  - improve use of current settings in the reset function

  - fix a case which tried to set a 96-character set in G0

  - add a reset after SI/SO test

- update config.guess, config.sub


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python-fasteners 0.19-1 (TEST)

2024-02-24 Thread Libor Ukropec via Cygwin-announce

The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution as a TEST 

* python36-fasteners-0.19-1
* python37-fasteners-0.19-1
* python38-fasteners-0.19-1
* python39-fasteners-0.19-1
* python3-fasteners-0.19-1

Python standard library provides a lock for threads (both a reentrant one, and a 
non-reentrant one, see below). Fasteners extends this, and provides a lock for processes, 
as well as Reader Writer locks for both threads and processes.

This package is the latest upstream version. After some testing period it will be moved 
from test to release. Any feedback is appreciated.

Please send questions or concerns to the main Cygwin mailing list as usual.


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duplicity 2.2.2-1 (TEST)

2024-02-24 Thread Libor Ukropec via Cygwin-announce

The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution:

* duplicity-2.2.2-1

Duplicity backs directories by producing encrypted tar-format
volumes and uploading them to a remote or local file server. Because duplicity
uses librsync, the incremental archives are space efficient and only record
the parts of files that have changed since the last backup. Because duplicity
uses GnuPG to encrypt and/or sign these archives, they will be safe from
spying and/or modification by the server.

This package is the latest upstream version. After some testing period it will be moved 
from test to release. Any feedback is appreciated.

For changes see https://gitlab.com/duplicity/duplicity/-/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md

Please send questions or concerns to the main Cygwin mailing list as usual.


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ascii 3.20-1

2024-02-24 Thread Libor Ukropec via Cygwin-announce

The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution:

* ascii-3.20-1

The ascii utility provides easy conversion between various byte
representations and the ASCII character table. It knows about a wide variety of
hex, binary, octal, Teletype mnemonic, ISO/ECMA code point, slang names, XML
entity names, and other representations. Given any one on the command line, it
will try to display all others. Called with no arguments it displays a handy
small ASCII chart.

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Updated: mintty 3.7.1

2024-02-24 Thread Thomas Wolff

I have uploaded mintty 3.7.1 with the following changes:

Terminal features
  * Dropped DSR 53 (legacy xterm mistake, dropped in xterm 389).
  * HTML screen dump supports subscript or superscript.
  * HTML screen dump supports DEC double-width lines and pairs of
double-height lines.
  * Tweak DECRQCRA Rectangular Checksum to match xterm (~#1225, xterm 390).
  * Fix status area refresh, especially after restoring a minimized window.
  * Workaround for rendering failure of top-left background text on
background image.
  * Fix invisible and blinking attributes on background image.
  * Added XTQMODKEYS to DECRQSS (#1189, xterm 389).

  * Fix handling of options to be saved (#1246, #1247).
  * Tune and fix click-opening URL (mintty/wsltty#346, #1254).
  * Fix layout of Options dialog Selection pane (#1257).

Window handling
  * Fix instable window switching after minimize/restore (#1242, #1249).
  * Fix window switching (Ctrl+ALT) after minimize/restore (#1242).
  * New rewrap per-line disable mode DECRST 7723 (deprecated 2027, #1255).
  * Semi-workaround for transparency loss when resizing unfocused
grid-snapped window (#1256).

  * New user-definable key Alt for option KeyFunctions (#1245).
  * New user-definable function intr (~#1245).

The homepage is at http://mintty.github.io/
It also links to the issue tracker.


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emacs-auctex 13.3-1

2024-02-24 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin-announce

The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution:

* emacs-auctex-13.3-1
* preview-latex-13.3-1

AUCTeX is an extensible package for writing and formatting TeX files in 
GNU Emacs.  It supports many different TeX macro packages, including 
AMS-TeX, LaTeX, Texinfo, ConTeXt, and DocTeX (dtx files).  AUCTeX 
includes preview-latex, which makes LaTeX a tightly integrated component 
of your editing workflow by visualizing selected source chunks (such as 
single formulas or graphics) directly as images in the source buffer.

preview_latex is a self-contained subpackage of emacs-auctex that allows 
appropriately selected parts of a LaTeX document to be formatted and 
displayed within the Emacs editor.  It also has uses that do not require 

This is an update to the latest upstream major release.  See the 
announcement at


for details.

Note: An alternative to installing this package is to install AUCTeX via
the Emacs package manager (ELPA) instead.  Simply do 'M-x list-packages 
' within Emacs, mark the auctex package for installation with 'i', 
and hit 'x' to execute the installation procedure

This alternative is in fact strongly recommended by the AUCTeX 
developers.  One advantage is that you will receive intermediate bugfix 
releases between major AUCTeX releases conveniently.


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doxygen 1.10.0-1

2024-02-24 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin-announce

The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution:

* doxygen-1.10.0-1
* doxygen-doxywizard-1.10.0-1
* doxygen-latex-1.10.0-1

Doxygen is the de facto standard tool for generating documentation from 
annotated C++ sources, but it also supports other popular programming 
languages such as C, Objective-C, C#, PHP, Java, Python, IDL (Corba, 
Microsoft, and UNO/OpenOffice flavors), Fortran, VHDL, and to some 
extent D.  It can generate an on-line documentation browser (in HTML) 
and/or an off-line reference manual (in LaTeX) from a set of documented 
source files.  There is also support for generating output in RTF 
(MS-Word), PostScript, hyperlinked PDF, compressed HTML, and Unix man 
pages.  The documentation is extracted directly from the sources, which 
makes it much easier to keep the documentation consistent with the 
source code.

Doxywizard is a GUI for creating and editing configuration files that 
are used by doxygen.

doxygen-latex is a virtual package that pulls in the TeX Live packages 
needed for producing LaTeX/pdf output from doxygen.

This is an update to the latest upstream release.  See


for a list of changes since the previous release.


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tree-sitter 0.21.0-1

2024-02-24 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin-announce

The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution:

* libtree-sitter0-0.21.0-1
* libtree-sitter-devel-0.21.0-1

Tree-sitter is a parser generator tool and an incremental parsing 
library.  It can build a concrete syntax tree for a source file and 
efficiently update the syntax tree as the source file is edited. 
Tree-sitter aims to be:

 * General enough to parse any programming language
 * Fast enough to parse on every keystroke in a text editor
 * Robust enough to provide useful results even in the presence
   of syntax errors
 * Dependency-free so that the runtime library (which is written
   in pure C) can be embedded in any application

This is an update to the latest upstream release.


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