On 14/02/2024 00:11, Yasuhiro Kimura via Cygwin-apps wrote:

From: Jon Turney via Cygwin-apps 
Subject: Re: Tmux crashes on copy
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2024 13:28:41 +0000


Since this is a crash bug, which renders the package more or less
useless, I made an NMU with these changes.


Sorry about not pinging you before I made this change.

You don't seem to have been active for a few years. Are you still
interesting in maintaining this package?

IF so, do you want to get pinged if/when problems crop up?

Tmux 3.4 is released.


Just FYI.


I don't use tmux, so if I were to just bump the version, I'd just be deploying the updated package without any testing, which is something I try to avoid doing.

If an up-to-date and working tmux package is important to you, please consider if maybe you want to adopt it? (I'm assuming the existing maintainer has wandered off since he didn't reply, but our process requires me to wait a bit longer before that's assumed)

Even if you don't, maybe you would consider submitting an ssh key, so you can push to our package building playground, which would make it a bit less effort for me in future, if you submit other NMUs.

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