
while trying out setup, I had a bit of a scare. It was halfway through an
update, and I hit 'cancel'. setup exited immediately. This could have left
my cygwin in an ill-defined state.

So, here's one more feature request:

When someone hits 'cancel', pop up a dialog box
"Do you want to abort the installation now, finish the installing of the
packages setup already copied, or keep on going?"

I'm sure this is not so easy to do though (so I'm not volunteering I'm

Kris Thielemans
(kris.thielemans <at> ic.ac.uk)
Imaging Research Solutions Ltd
Cyclotron Building
Hammersmith Hospital
Du Cane Road
London W12 ONN, United Kingdom

web site address: http://www.irsl.org/~kris

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