gds wrote on 12 May 2008 21:42:

>> Yes, strace and cygcheck both indicate that cygexpat-0.dll is missing
>> and should be in /bin. Don't see it there. Just see an "expat" package
>> in the installer, no libexpat0 as pointed out here:
>> Sounds like there is a packaging problem.
>> Tried going back to svn 1.4.5-1 instead of latest 1.4.5-2 with same
>> result. 
> I was wrong, there is a libexpat0 (I was looking for "libxpat0").
> Re-installing
> it seems to fix the problem.

  Ok, I've now fixed this.  (I probably should have gone ahead and done so
when I first noticed it but I didn't want to risk treading on anyone's toes
until I'd at least mentioned it first on the list.)  Setup.ini appears to have
rebuilt correctly.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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