Dr. Volker Zell wrote:
Charles did you forget about this ?

 o http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2008-02/msg00042.html

   >This release obsoletes the mktemp package; you should upgrade both
   >packages at the same time or do coreutils second, to ensure that you still
   >have a mktemp program.

Um, no?

The mktemp package's setup.hint now specifies the "_obsolete" category. The package directory has been moved from release/mktemp/ to release/_obsolete/mktemp.

What's to do?

I thought about creating a new, empty package with an updated version number -- but it's too late now. Once somebody has updated to the new coreutils, if they update using my new empty mktemp, then coreutils' mktemp.exe will be deleted. That's no good.


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