Hi, I've been using cygwin/x for some time now on a W2K installation and on a WinXP laptop machine with XDMCP connected to various different FC3/4/5 hosts.

A couple of days ago the W2K XDMCP sessions suddenly stopped working but the WinXP Laptop ones still work. The display shows the pattern that normally appears if the XDMCP server is off line. Both MS installations have MS's Automatic Updates enabled. I have re-installed cygwin on the W2K system with no improvement. Interestingly, ssh x-forwarded sessions still work fine on the W2K machine, its XDMCP that is failing.

Netstat shows XWin.exe listening on port 6000 on the W2K box, which hasn't a firewall, and I can telnet to that port from the WinXP Laptop machine and that session connects. Port 177/udp is listening on the FC5 box I'm testing with. An Ethereal trace from the W2K box shows a port 177 exchange between the W2K and the FC5 box with the sequence -> Query, Query, Willing, Request, Request, Accept, Accept, Manage, Manage, - then a brief pause - followed by Manage, Manage - then another pause - then Manage, Manage. All the manage packets have the same session ID in them. All this is on port 177/udp with no port 6000 traffic at all. I would have expected to see some port 6000 traffic from the FC5 box even if it was rejected/ignored by the W2K box.

The ethereal log from theWinXP laptop shows -> Query, Willing, Request, Accept, Manage on port 177 followed by a flurry of X11 packets on port 6000. Interestingly, no repeat packets like on the W2K box.

I've noticed some other comments on the list, about XDMCP mysteriously stopping working, related to MS Updates. I have removed KB925486, despite its warnings about many things stopping working as a result, with no improvement, and put it back.

The same hardware that runs the suspect W2K system also boots WinXP and FC5 (among others). Cygwin on the WinXP installation (also fully up to date with MS's patches) there also shows the same symptoms as the W2Ksystem, but the FC5 system on that hardware can connect to the remote FC5 XDMCP server just fine.

Any ideas/help would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance


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