
I have a PC running Gentoo Linux which is accessed by many users who
log into that computer using cygwin X and XDMCP. This has worked fine
for a long time. One week ago I had to take the Gentoo Linux PC down
(after 540 days uptime !) and used the oportunity to do some major
upgrades, including X related stuff.

After this upgrade I am unable to get up the remote login using
cygwin/X work again. That is, I get the gdm login screen, I enter name
and password but before the main GNOME desktop should come up XWin.exe

Since I have done nothing with the PCs running cygwin/X I initially
suspected something wrong with the Linux Gentoo PC. But every thing
works OK if I log into the Linux PC both locally and from an other PC
running Ubuntu Linux (using Xnest).

Searching the net I have found a thread on Ubuntu forum where some
very similar problems are reported.


Starting the xfs on the Gentoo Linux PC as suggested by doniv made no
difference, so I still stuck.

Next I have tried to strace XWin.exe to try to see why it is crashing.
It sayes "fatal error - called with threadlist_ix -1", seems I have
managed to trig some error in XWin.exe. Listing of the last strace
output is added.

I have added the terminal ouput, the /var/log/messages output from the
Gentoo Linux computer and the strace output.

So I feel stuck. Anyone have any idea what I could try to isolate the problem ?


Welcome to the XWin X Server
Vendor: The Cygwin/X Project

Contact: cygwin-xfree@cygwin.com

XWin was started with the following command line:

XWin :0 -query gimli

_XSERVTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.X11-unix should be set to root
winValidateArgs - g_iNumScreens: 1 iMaxConsecutiveScreen: 1
(II) XF86Config is not supported
(II) See http://x.cygwin.com/docs/faq/cygwin-x-faq.html for more information
winDetectSupportedEngines - Windows NT/2000/XP
winDetectSupportedEngines - DirectDraw installed
winDetectSupportedEngines - DirectDraw4 installed
winDetectSupportedEngines - Returning, supported engines 00000007
winSetEngine - Using Shadow DirectDraw NonLocking
winAdjustVideoModeShadowDDNL - Using Windows display depth of 32 bits per pixel
winFinishScreenInitFB - Masks: 00ff0000 0000ff00 000000ff
MIT-SHM extension disabled due to lack of kernel support
XFree86-Bigfont extension local-client optimization disabled due to
lack of shared memory support in the kernel
(--) Setting autorepeat to delay=500, rate=31
(--) winConfigKeyboard - Layout: "00000414" (00000414)
(--) Using preset keyboard for "Norwegian" (414), type "4"
Rules = "xorg" Model = "pc105" Layout = "no" Variant = "(null)"
Options = "(null)"
The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
Warning:          Type "ONE_LEVEL" has 1 levels, but <RALT> has 2 symbols
                  Ignoring extra symbols
Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
(--) 3 mouse buttons found
Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/,
removing from list!
Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/,
removing from list!
Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/CID/,
removing from list!
Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/,
removing from list!
winPointerWarpCursor - Discarding first warp: 637 481
winProcEstablishConnection - Hello
winProcEstablishConnection - Clipboard is not enabled, returning.
winProcQueryTree - Clipboard is not enabled, returning.

Aborted (core dumped)


/var/log/messages output on the Gentoo Linux computer


     Apr 19 11:28:08 gimli gdmgreeter[19458]: Got response: 'OK '
     Apr 19 11:28:08 gimli gdmgreeter[19458]: Sending command: 'CLOSE'
     Apr 19 11:28:08 gimli gdm[3000]: Handling user message: 'CLOSE'
     Apr 19 11:28:09 gimli gdm[19449]: gdm_slave_wait_for_login: In loop
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli gdm[19449]: Sending QUERYLOGIN == <secret>
for slave 19449
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli gdm[3000]: Handling message: 'QUERYLOGIN 19449 hi'
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli gdm[3000]: Got QUERYLOGIN hi
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli gdm(pam_unix)[19449]: session opened for
user hi by (uid=0)
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli gdm[19449]: gdm_slave_wait_for_login: end
verify for 'hi'
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli gdm[19449]: gdm_slave_wait_for_login:
got_login for 'hi'
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli gdm[19449]: Sending LOGGED_IN == 1 for slave 19449
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli gdm[3000]: Handling message: 'LOGGED_IN 19449 1'
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli gdm[3000]: Got logged in == TRUE
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli gdm[19449]: Sending LOGIN == <secret> for
slave 19449
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli gdm[3000]: Handling message: 'LOGIN 19449 hi'
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli gdm[3000]: Got LOGIN == hi
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli gdm[19449]: gdm_slave_session_start:
Attempting session for user 'hi'
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli gdm[19449]: Initial setting: session:
'gnome' language: ''
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli gdm[19449]: gdm_slave_session_start:
Authentication completed. Whacking greeter
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli gdm[19449]: slave_waitpid: waiting on -1
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli gdm[19449]: slave_waitpid: done_waiting
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli gdm[19449]: Sending GREETPID == 0 for slave 19449
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli gdm[3000]: Handling message: 'GREETPID 19449 0'
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli gdm[3000]: Got GREETPID == 0
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli gdm[19449]: get_local_auths: Setting up
network access
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli gdm[19449]: get_local_auths: Setting up
access for - 2 entries
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli gdm[19449]: gdm_auth_user_add: Adding
cookie for 1601
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli gdm[19449]: gdm_auth_user_add: Using
/home/hi/.Xauthority for cookies
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli gdm[19449]: gdm_auth_purge:
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli gdm[19449]: gdm_auth_user_add: Done
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli gdm[19449]: Sending WRITE_X_SERVERS == 0
for slave 19449
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli gdm[3000]: Handling message:
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli gdm[19449]: Sending SESSPID == 19465 for slave 19449
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli gdm[3000]: Handling message: 'SESSPID 19449 19465'
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli gdm[3000]: Got SESSPID == 19465
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli gdm[19449]: slave_waitpid: waiting on 19465
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli gdm[19465]: Running /etc/X11/gdm/Xsession
gnome-session for hi on
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli (hi-19495): starting (version 2.14.0), pid
19495 user 'hi'
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli (hi-19495): Resolved address
"xml:readonly:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory" to a read-only
configuration source at position 0
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli (hi-19495): Resolved address
"xml:readwrite:/home/hi/.gconf" to a writable configuration source at
position 1
     Apr 19 11:28:16 gimli (hi-19495): Resolved address
"xml:readonly:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults" to a read-only
configuration source at position 2
     Apr 19 11:28:18 gimli gdm[19449]: slave_waitpid: done_waiting
     Apr 19 11:28:18 gimli gdm[19449]: Session: start_time:
1176974896 end_time: 1176974898
     Apr 19 11:28:18 gimli gdm[19449]: Sending SESSPID == 0 for slave 19449
     Apr 19 11:28:18 gimli gdm[3000]: Handling message: 'SESSPID 19449 0'
     Apr 19 11:28:18 gimli gdm[3000]: Got SESSPID == 0
     Apr 19 11:28:18 gimli gdm[19449]: gdm_slave_session_stop: hi on
     Apr 19 11:28:18 gimli gdm[19449]: Fatal X error detected.
Ignoring same during session shut down.
     Apr 19 11:28:18 gimli gdm[19449]: gdm_slave_session_stop: back
here from xioerror
     Apr 19 11:28:18 gimli gdm[19449]: gdm_slave_session_stop:
Running post session script
     Apr 19 11:28:18 gimli gdm[19449]: gdm_auth_user_remove: Removing
cookie from /home/hi/.Xauthority (0)
     Apr 19 11:28:18 gimli gdm[19449]: gdm_auth_purge:
     Apr 19 11:28:18 gimli gdm[19449]: Running gdm_verify_cleanup and
pamh != NULL
     Apr 19 11:28:18 gimli gdm[19449]: Running pam_close_session
     Apr 19 11:28:18 gimli gdm(pam_unix)[19449]: session closed for user hi
     Apr 19 11:28:18 gimli gdm[19449]: Running pam_setcred with PAM_DELETE_CRED
     Apr 19 11:28:18 gimli gdm[19449]: gdm_slave_session_start:
Session ended OK (now all finished)
     Apr 19 11:28:18 gimli gdm[19449]: Sending LOGGED_IN == 0 for slave 19449
     Apr 19 11:28:18 gimli gdm[3000]: Handling message: 'LOGGED_IN 19449 0'
     Apr 19 11:28:18 gimli gdm[3000]: Got logged in == FALSE
     Apr 19 11:28:18 gimli gdm[19449]: Sending LOGIN == <secret> for
slave 19449
     Apr 19 11:28:18 gimli gdm[3000]: Handling message: 'LOGIN 19449 '
     Apr 19 11:28:18 gimli gdm[3000]: Got LOGIN ==
     Apr 19 11:28:18 gimli gdm[19449]: Sending XPID == 0 for slave 19449
     Apr 19 11:28:18 gimli gdm[3000]: Handling message: 'XPID 19449 0'
     Apr 19 11:28:18 gimli gdm[3000]: Got XPID == 0
     Apr 19 11:28:18 gimli gdm[19449]: gdm_slave_quick_exit: Will
kill everything from the display
     Apr 19 11:28:18 gimli gdm[19449]: gdm_slave_quick_exit: Killed
everything from the display
     Apr 19 11:28:18 gimli gdm[3000]: mainloop_sig_callback: Got signal 17
     Apr 19 11:28:18 gimli gdm[3000]: gdm_cleanup_children: child
19449 returned 2
     Apr 19 11:28:18 gimli gdm[3000]: gdm_child_action: In remanage
     Apr 19 11:28:18 gimli gdm[3000]: gdm_display_unmanage: Stopping (slave pid: 0)
     Apr 19 11:28:18 gimli gdm[3000]: gdm_display_dispose: Disposing
     Apr 19 11:28:18 gimli gdm[3000]: gdm_display_unmanage: Display stopped


$ strace XWin.exe -query gimli

  55 16772952 [main] XWin 3880 dtable::select_read:  fd 10
  22 16772974 [main] XWin 3880 cygwin_select: to->tv_sec 0,
to->tv_usec 100, ms 1
  19 16772993 [main] XWin 3880 cygwin_select: sel.always_ready 0
  64 16773057 [main] XWin 3880 start_thread_socket: Handle 0x5C4
  19 16773076 [main] XWin 3880 start_thread_socket: Added to readfds
  33 16773109 [main] XWin 3880 start_thread_socket: Handle 0x5D0
  37 16773146 [main] XWin 3880 start_thread_socket: Added to readfds
  19 16773165 [main] XWin 3880 start_thread_socket: Handle 0x5DC
  18 16773183 [main] XWin 3880 start_thread_socket: Added to readfds
  18 16773201 [main] XWin 3880 start_thread_socket: Handle 0x608
  18 16773219 [main] XWin 3880 start_thread_socket: Added to readfds
  18 16773237 [main] XWin 3880 start_thread_socket: Handle 0x660
  18 16773255 [main] XWin 3880 start_thread_socket: Added to readfds
  18 16773273 [main] XWin 3880 start_thread_socket: Handle 0x668
  18 16773291 [main] XWin 3880 start_thread_socket: Added to readfds
  17 16773308 [main] XWin 3880 start_thread_socket: Handle 0x6C4
  18 16773326 [main] XWin 3880 start_thread_socket: Added to readfds
  18 16773344 [main] XWin 3880 start_thread_socket: exitsock 0x5EC
  18 16773362 [main] XWin 3880 start_thread_socket: stuff_start 0x22C654
 243 16773605 [select_socket] XWin 3880 thread_socket: stuff_start 0x1016BE9C
  44 16773649 [main] XWin 3880 select_stuff::wait: m 2, ms 1
  23 16773672 [select_socket] XWin 3880 thread_socket: Win32 select returned 1
  19 16773691 [select_socket] XWin 3880 thread_socket: s 0x10173A08,
testing fd 10 ()
  19 16773710 [select_socket] XWin 3880 thread_socket: read_ready
  17 16773727 [select_socket] XWin 3880 thread_socket: s 0x101739D8,
testing fd 9 ()
  19 16773746 [select_socket] XWin 3880 thread_socket: s 0x101739A8,
testing fd 8 ()
  18 16773764 [select_socket] XWin 3880 thread_socket: s 0x10173978,
testing fd 7 ()
  19 16773783 [select_socket] XWin 3880 thread_socket: s 0x10173948,
testing fd 6 ()
  18 16773801 [select_socket] XWin 3880 thread_socket: s 0x10173918,
testing fd 5 ()
  18 16773819 [select_socket] XWin 3880 thread_socket: s 0x10167860,
testing fd 4 ()
  20 16773839 [main] XWin 3880 select_stuff::wait: woke up.  wait_ret
1.  verifying
  19 16773858 [main] XWin 3880 select_stuff::wait: gotone 1
  18 16773876 [main] XWin 3880 select_stuff::wait: returning 0
  18 16773894 [main] XWin 3880 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
  18 16773912 [main] XWin 3880 socket_cleanup: si 0x10168E88
si->thread 0x61104F30
  30 16773942 [main] XWin 3880 socket_cleanup: sent a byte to
exitsock 0x5EC, res 1
  36 16773978 [main] XWin 3880 socket_cleanup: reading a byte from
exitsock 0x5EC
  24 16774002 [main] XWin 3880 socket_cleanup: recv returned 1
  35 16774037 [main] XWin 3880 socket_cleanup: returning
  17 16774054 [main] XWin 3880 socket_cleanup: si 0x0 si->thread 0x0
  18 16774072 [main] XWin 3880 socket_cleanup: returning
  18 16774090 [main] XWin 3880 socket_cleanup: si 0x0 si->thread 0x0
  17 16774107 [main] XWin 3880 socket_cleanup: returning
  18 16774125 [main] XWin 3880 socket_cleanup: si 0x0 si->thread 0x0
  18 16774143 [main] XWin 3880 socket_cleanup: returning
  18 16774161 [main] XWin 3880 socket_cleanup: si 0x0 si->thread 0x0
  18 16774179 [main] XWin 3880 socket_cleanup: returning
  17 16774196 [main] XWin 3880 socket_cleanup: si 0x0 si->thread 0x0
  18 16774214 [main] XWin 3880 socket_cleanup: returning
  18 16774232 [main] XWin 3880 socket_cleanup: si 0x0 si->thread 0x0
  18 16774250 [main] XWin 3880 socket_cleanup: returning
  18 16774268 [main] XWin 3880 peek_socket: considering handle 0x5C4
  18 16774286 [main] XWin 3880 set_bits: me 0x10173A08, testing fd 10 ()
  19 16774305 [main] XWin 3880 set_bits: ready 1
  18 16774323 [main] XWin 3880 peek_socket: considering handle 0x5D0
  18 16774341 [main] XWin 3880 peek_socket: adding read fd_set , fd 9
  24 16774365 [main] XWin 3880 peek_socket: WINSOCK_SELECT returned 0
  19 16774384 [main] XWin 3880 peek_socket: considering handle 0x5DC
  19 16774403 [main] XWin 3880 peek_socket: adding read fd_set , fd 8
  22 16774425 [main] XWin 3880 peek_socket: WINSOCK_SELECT returned 0
  20 16774445 [main] XWin 3880 peek_socket: considering handle 0x608
  18 16774463 [main] XWin 3880 peek_socket: adding read fd_set , fd 7
  23 16774486 [main] XWin 3880 peek_socket: WINSOCK_SELECT returned 0
  19 16774505 [main] XWin 3880 peek_socket: considering handle 0x660
  18 16774523 [main] XWin 3880 peek_socket: adding read fd_set , fd 6
  22 16774545 [main] XWin 3880 peek_socket: WINSOCK_SELECT returned 0
  19 16774564 [main] XWin 3880 peek_socket: considering handle 0x668
  19 16774583 [main] XWin 3880 peek_socket: adding read fd_set , fd 5
  22 16774605 [main] XWin 3880 peek_socket: WINSOCK_SELECT returned 0
  20 16774625 [main] XWin 3880 peek_socket: considering handle 0x6C4
  18 16774643 [main] XWin 3880 peek_socket: adding read fd_set , fd 4
  22 16774665 [main] XWin 3880 peek_socket: WINSOCK_SELECT returned 0
  19 16774684 [main] XWin 3880 select_stuff::poll: returning 1
  18 16774702 [main] XWin 3880 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
  19 16774721 [main] XWin 3880 select_stuff::~select_stuff: deleting
select records
 144 16774865 [main] XWin 3880 sig_send: sendsig 0x6EC, pid 3880,
signal -34, its_me 1
  25 16774890 [main] XWin 3880 sig_send: wakeup 0x5B8
  23 16774913 [main] XWin 3880 sig_send: Waiting for pack.wakeup 0x5B8
  21 16774934 [sig] XWin 3880 wait_sig: signalling pack.wakeup 0x5B8
  23 16774957 [main] XWin 3880 sig_send: returning 0x0 from sending signal -34
  20 16774977 [main] XWin 3880 readv: readv (10, 0x22C740, 1)
nonblocking, sigcatchers 3
  19 16774996 [main] XWin 3880 peek_socket: considering handle 0x5C4
  18 16775014 [main] XWin 3880 peek_socket: adding read fd_set , fd 10
  23 16775037 [main] XWin 3880 peek_socket: WINSOCK_SELECT returned 1
  19 16775056 [main] XWin 3880 fhandler_base::ready_for_read:
read_ready 1, avail 1
  23 16775079 [main] XWin 3880 readv: 816 = readv (10, 0x22C740, 1), errno 0
 304 16775383 [main] XWin 3880 sig_send: sendsig 0x6EC, pid 3880,
signal -34, its_me 1
  22 16775405 [main] XWin 3880 sig_send: wakeup 0x5B8
  22 16775427 [main] XWin 3880 sig_send: Waiting for pack.wakeup 0x5B8
  21 16775448 [sig] XWin 3880 wait_sig: signalling pack.wakeup 0x5B8
  23 16775471 [main] XWin 3880 sig_send: returning 0x0 from sending signal -34
 104 16775575 [main] XWin 3880 close: close (0)
  50 16775625 [main] XWin 3880 init_cygheap::manage_console_count:
fhandler_console::close: console_count 1, amount -1, ctty
/dev/console, avoid_freeing_console 0
  23 16775648 [main] XWin 3880 close: 0 = close (0)
 127 16775775 [main] XWin 3880 close: close (1)
  19 16775794 [main] XWin 3880 fhandler_base::close: closing
'/home/hi/some disk file' handle 0x684
  22 16775816 [main] XWin 3880 close: 0 = close (1)
 130 16775946 [main] XWin 3880 close: close (2)
  30 16775976 [main] XWin 3880 init_cygheap::manage_console_count:
fhandler_console::close: console_count 0, amount -1, ctty
/dev/console, avoid_freeing_console 0
  22 16775998 [main] XWin 3880 close: 0 = close (2)
 127 16776125 [main] XWin 3880 close: close (3)
  19 16776144 [main] XWin 3880 fhandler_base::close: closing
'/tmp/XWin.log' handle 0x6CC
 256 16776400 [main] XWin 3880 close: 0 = close (3)
  80 16776480 [main] XWin 3880 set_signal_mask: oldmask 0x0, newmask
0xFFFEFEDF, mask_bits 0x0
  18 16776498 [main] XWin 3880 set_signal_mask: not calling
  19 16776517 [main] XWin 3880 kill0: kill (3880, 6)
  18 16776535 [main] XWin 3880 sig_send: sendsig 0x6EC, pid 3880,
signal -34, its_me 1
  22 16776557 [main] XWin 3880 sig_send: wakeup 0x6CC
  22 16776579 [main] XWin 3880 sig_send: Waiting for pack.wakeup 0x6CC
  21 16776600 [sig] XWin 3880 wait_sig: signalling pack.wakeup 0x6CC
  24 16776624 [main] XWin 3880 sig_send: returning 0x0 from sending signal -34
  21 16776645 [main] XWin 3880 sig_send: sendsig 0x6EC, pid 3880,
signal 6, its_me 1
  20 16776665 [main] XWin 3880 sig_send: wakeup 0x6CC
  20 16776685 [main] XWin 3880 sig_send: Waiting for pack.wakeup 0x6CC
  22 16776707 [sig] XWin 3880 sigpacket::process: signal 6 processing
  19 16776726 [sig] XWin 3880 _cygtls::find_tls: sig 6
  23 16776749 [sig] XWin 3880 sigpacket::process: signal 134, about
to call do_exit
  19 16776768 [sig] XWin 3880 try_to_debug: debugger_command ''
 300 16777068 [sig] XWin 3880 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace
to XWin.exe.stackdump
--- Process 3880, exception C0000005 at 61016525
3140834 19917902 [sig] XWin 3880 C:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\XWin.exe: ***
fatal error - called with threadlist_ix -1
33459 19951361 [sig] XWin 3880 sigproc_terminate: entering
  53 19951414 [sig] XWin 3880 sig_send: my_sendsig 0x6EC,
myself->sendsig 0x6EC, exit_state 12
  52 19951466 [sig] XWin 3880 __set_errno: int sig_send(_pinfo*,
siginfo_t&, _cygtls*):583 val 11
  55 19951521 [sig] XWin 3880 sig_send: returning 0x1 from sending signal -42
  52 19951573 [sig] XWin 3880 proc_terminate: nprocs 0
  49 19951622 [sig] XWin 3880 proc_terminate: leaving
 203 19951825 [sig] XWin 3880 __to_clock_t: dwHighDateTime 0,
dwLowDateTime 19327792
  62 19951887 [sig] XWin 3880 __to_clock_t: total 00000000 0000078C
1315 19953202 [sig] XWin 3880 __to_clock_t: dwHighDateTime 0,
dwLowDateTime 17925776
  65 19953267 [sig] XWin 3880 __to_clock_t: total 00000000 00000700
1058 19954325 [sig] XWin 3880 pinfo::exit: Calling ExitProcess n 0x1,
exitcode 0x100



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