-----Original Message-----
From: Jon TURNEY 
Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2012 8:18 AM
Subject: Re: FW: RE: Cut and Paste between X and WindowsXP sometimes fails

On 15/02/2012 16:26, Bennett, Tony wrote:
> Given that I'd have to "build" xclipboard for the host that I'm XDMCPing to,
> and that host is running AIX... Sadly, I may just have to "live" with the 
> problem.
> Is there any hope that the issue will be corrected in the foreseeable 
> future...???

Well, looking at the rate of progress on fd.o bug #5735, it seems reasonable
to hope that it will be fixed in a year or two :-)

I've applied the patch I've suggested there to today's snapshot, uploaded a at
[1]. Perhaps you could try that out and see if that improves things for you?

[1] ftp://cygwin.com/pub/cygwinx/XWin.20120218-git-c3b936a38812f88b.exe.bz2



I downloaded, bunzip2, and installed the new version of Xwin.

I restarted Xwin using the new version.

I ran some preliminary cut and paste tests, and it seems to work
correctly... i.e. I can perform multiple "cut from Xwin &  Paste to WinXP",
without intervening "cut from WinXP & Paste to Xwin" without error.

I will continue running the new version while I perform my daily work, and
will advise you if I have a recurrence of the problem.

Thanks a lot for this temporary fix.


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