On 13/02/2013 17:46, PRIKHODKO, GEORGE wrote:
> Only very small problem, my trackball has 4 buttons.
> I ran xev to see events generated by the mouse.
> Three of the buttons are mapped by default as follows: 1, 3 and 6.
> For the fourth button xev didn't show any events. I tried it with and without 
> -emulate3buttons option.
> How did I find out this? Until you corrected the code I used xmodmap to remap 
> button 6 to button 2. Button 6 is not very conveniently located on the 
> trackball, so I wanted to remap the other button, but couldn't find it id.
> If this is something you can fix too, I'll greatly appreciate it.

The default button mapping is:

1 left
2 middle
3 right
4 wheel up
5 wheel down
6 extra button 1
7 extra button 2

So, I would naively expect the 4th button on your device to be extra button 2,
and reported by X as button 7.

I borrowed a 5 button mouse for some brief testing, and as far as I can tell
the button mapping for extra buttons 1 and 2 is working correctly.

If you'd like to try to investigate this a bit further, it would be helpful if
you could:
* Download the latest snapshot built with debugging enabled from [1], and
install it using the instructions 'Preparation (alternative approach)' at [2]
* Run it using 'WIN_DEBUG_MESSAGES=1 ./XWin -logverbose 3 <your usual XWin
options, -multiwindow for example>'
* Look at the debug output from XWin and see what Windows messages (if any)
are reported when the 4th button is clicked

(As a separate issue, it also looks like this mapping may not be ideal, as the
default on linux is for 6 and 7 to be used for tilt wheel left and tilt wheel
right, and extra buttons as 8 and 9, and there are applications out there
which can use that...)

[1] ftp://cygwin.com/pub/cygwinx/
[2] http://x.cygwin.com/devel/backtrace.html

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