On 19/06/2013 15:37, Jon TURNEY wrote:
> On 17/06/2013 15:44, Deryl Steinert wrote:
>> Do you consider this an issue with Cygwin, Java 7 or with our Java apps? If
>> the issue is with Cygwin do you foresee implementing a solution anytime 
>> soon? Or do you know of a workaround we can use in Java?
> This might just be a bug in the way the multiwindow mode WM handles focus.
> Even if it isn't, a workaround in the multiwindow mode WM seems like a good
> idea.  There are no guarantees about when.  Patches thoughtfully considered.

Looking at this again, while the text of ICCCM section 4.1.7 is pretty opaque,
the implementation actually seems to be quite straightforward.

I've added a patch which makes input focus handling more closely follow ICCCM,
and generates the WM_TAKE_FOCUS message when needed.

I've tested this very briefly with the TypeInSwing.java test case in sun bug
#6798064 and the jdk Notepad demo.

I've uploaded a snapshot at [1]. Perhaps you could try that and see if it
improves things for you?

[1] ftp://cygwin.com/pub/cygwinx/XWin.20130628-git-c1a05551e2bc2d30.exe.bz2

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