On 03/01/2014 04:51, Chris Carlson wrote:
> I just downloaded Cygwin 64-bit for the first time.  I've been using Cygwin
> 32-bit for years.
> I usually "ssh -X <remote>" to a remote Linux machine.  I can then read mail
> (thunderbird), edit documents (LibreOffice 3.x), run Chrome, and edit programs
> (Emacs).  I'll have half a dozen windows open through the X tunnel provided by
> ssh.  Works well and lasts for hours.
> After upgrading to Cygwin 64-bit (this last weekend), everything *seems* to be
> okay for a while.  After about 20 minutes, though, I can no longer open
> windows remotely.  Even though I have thunderbird currently open, when I try
> to run Chrome, I get "(google-chrome:20006): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open
> display: localhost:10.0".  If I try to open xclock from the command line, I 
> get:
> xclock
> Error: Can't open display: localhost:10.0
> Does anybody know what happened?  Why has the tunnel disappeared? It hasn't
> actually disappeared because I'm still running thunderbird through it.


Use 'ssh -Y'

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