On 11/30/2014 2:44 AM, Yaakov Selkowitz wrote:
On 2014-11-30 00:36, Nem W Schlecht wrote:
I had never used/run/heard of fbpanel before this release.  I was
seeing the same blank bar and had to do as you suggested:

cp -f /usr/share/fbpanel/multiwindow ~/.config/fbpanel/

To get anything useful.  Might want to add this command as part of the
installation process (with a simple file check to make sure
~/.config/fbpanel/multiwndow doesn't exist before copying, of course).

I was about to say that fbpanel handles this itself (see
/usr/libexec/fbpanel/make_profile).  But looking at the code, I think I
see what may be happening.  If you have *none* of the following in your

rox (rox-filer)
urxvt (rxvt-unicode)

then by mistake it results in a syntax error with sed, which ends up
making an empty profile.

I just uploaded fbpanel-6.1-5 to sourceware; once it hits the mirrors
and you install it, please remove your empty
~/.config/fbpanel/multiwindow and it should work as designed.

That fixed it.  Thanks.


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