(I know that cygwin-xfree is deprecated. But I believe I should
continue this existing conversation on it.)

On Sun, Mar 1, 2015 at 1:46 PM, Maarten Hoes <hoes.maar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> On 1-3-2015 19:15, Michael DePaulo wrote:
>> I just tried to reproduce this, but I was unable to.
>> The icons looked correct even before I selected help -> about:
>> http://i.imgur.com/Tp50WK8.png
> I can reproduce it 100% of the time.
>> I am using XWin 1.17.1-2 32-bit in multiwindow mode on Windows 10
>> 64-bit. I launched XWin via "startxwin" and then ran "ssh -Y
>> <fedora-host>" from the xterm. I then ran "libreoffice".
> I am running a single window XDCMP session with a KDM display manager (xwin
> -query x.x.x.x or Xlaunch). There is no ssh usage. I am running Windows 8.1
> 64 bit. I open a terminal window and run ./soffice.

I recreated your setup on my Fedora 21 64-bit test VM, but I was
unable to reproduce it:

1. Install package group: KDE
2. Install package kdm (not sure if it was part of the package group or not)
3. Enable XDMCP in KDM (this involved rebooting)
4. X :1 -query <fedora-host>
5. Login to KDM
6. Open up Konsole
7. Install package libreoffice
8. soffice
(did not reproduce the bug)
9. Install the libreoffice-kde package
10. soffice
(did not reproduce the bug)

>> Server is Fedora 21 64-bit.
> Same here.
>> There was no command-line output from LibreOffice.
> My guess is that my building with --enable-dbg-util etc. has something to do
> with that.

That's possible.

Did you build from upstream source or from the Fedora SRPM? The Fedora
SRPM has a TON of patches:


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