Hi Matthew,

Although the message is from base-files the reason is
due to installation.  In my experience this only
occurs when installing for a domain user although
others have reported other reasons for it.

For me, the message occurs because the base-passwd
(which I also maintain) doesn't and (for a number of
reasons, see archives) can't add domain users.

The outcome is, for this user, is that you get added
to a special group.  In an effort to stop or at least
slow ;) the number of emails to the list when stuff
didn't work because their user/group wasn't setup
correctly some detection code was added to base-files
along with some instruction as to what to do.

Basically adding your user (using the domain flag if
appropriate) to the passwd and group files which is
what the message attempts to help the user to do.  It
appears (judging from the number of times this
question isn't now appearing on the lists) to have
worked for most people, but I'm always looking for
perfection ;)

Hope this helps explain things,


On Thu, March 10, 2005 7:22 pm, Matthew Johnson said:
> Hi, John-
> Since I myself have no idea why it is outputting that
> message, no I cannot suggest a better message. And I
> notice that when I did a fresh installation of cygwin
> and cygwin/x on a brand new system yesterday, now I am
> getting that message too. Do _you_ have any idea why
> fresh installations did not used to output this
> message, but now they do? Is it a new message, or did
> something change in cygwin or cygwin/x, such that the
> group now gets initialized to 'mkpasswd' (and did not
> get so initialized before)?
> --- "Morrison, John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> As maintainer of the package which outputs that
>> message I'm
>> always glad to hear of ways to improve it.  Can you
>> suggest
>> a better message?
>> J.
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: Matthew Johnson
>> >
>> > Well, Phil, I read what she posted,
>> > and I do NOT think
>> > it tells "all Banibrata needs to know".
>> >
>> > The big unanswered question that is probably still
>> > bothering Banibrata is, "how on earth did the
>> >group get to be 'mkpasswd' in the first place?"
>> > I very much doubt that Banibrata set it to that.
> And now I can add, I _know_ I did not set it to that,
> yet now I get the message too, when starting up the
> bash shell.
> [snip]
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