Harold Hunt wrote:
> Jehan,
> That last message fired off before I was done... my Ctrl key is sticking so
> when I hit Enter it sent a Ctrl+Enter, which sends the message.
>>I don't think you need to manage the cursor in WM_ACTIVATEAPP, managing
>>it in WM_ACTIVATE should be enough because, if I'm not wrong, XWin will
>>always receive a WM_ACTIVATE with a WM_ACTIVATEAPP.
> Then again, your version gets trapped in a state where the cursor is shown,
> whereas I haven't seen that problem with Test57 yet :)

Actually, I'm now using Test57, and I haven't seen my problem either.
And I was not saying that this was related to my problem, I'm just 
saying that it looks like unecessary code.

> I remember spending a *lot* of time reading the docs about WM_ACTIVATE and
> WM_ACTIVATEAPP to figure out where to show and hide the cursor.  There were
> constant bug repots until I got it right, so I'm going to tend to believe
> that the show/hide in WM_ACTIVATEAPP is required, until someone presents me
> with some sample code and documentation exerpts that shows me that 1)
> they've spent more time on the problem than I have and 2) that the show/hide
> code in WM_ACTIVATEAPP is indeed not needed.

But the code changed since and got simplified a lot, especially 
everything about hiding/showing the cursor the previous screen and all 
that stuff is gone. So maybe the bug has been flushed with the code :).
But that's true that it doesn't cost much to have it anyway and that 
you're the boss (^_^)

By the way, here is another patch that should prevent some problems with 
multiroot systems (not tested).

--- hw/xwin.orig/winwndproc.c   2002-06-08 18:46:26.000000000 -0700
+++ hw/xwin/winwndproc.c        2002-06-09 13:47:32.000000000 -0700
@@ -418,20 +418,27 @@
       /* Hide or show the Windows mouse cursor */
-      if ((LOWORD(wParam) == WA_ACTIVE
-               || LOWORD(wParam) == WA_CLICKACTIVE)
-              && fCursor)
+      if ((LOWORD(wParam) == WA_ACTIVE || LOWORD(wParam) == WA_CLICKACTIVE))
-         /* Hide Windows cursor */
-         fCursor = FALSE;
-         ShowCursor (FALSE);
+         if (fCursor)
+           {
+             /* Hide Windows cursor */
+             fCursor = FALSE;
+             ShowCursor (FALSE);
+           }
+         pScreenPriv->fActive = TRUE;
-      else if (LOWORD(wParam) == WA_INACTIVE
-              && !fCursor)
+      else if (LOWORD(wParam) == WA_INACTIVE)
-         /* Show Windows cursor */
-         fCursor = TRUE;
-         ShowCursor (TRUE);
+         if (!fCursor)
+           {
+             /* Show Windows cursor */
+             fCursor = TRUE;
+             ShowCursor (TRUE);
+           }
+         pScreenPriv->fActive = FALSE;
       return 0;

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