> Well this mail came there so you managed to do it :-) Lets 
> get started!
> Gentlemen, this fellow of ours is having a problem, he have 
> downloaded xfree, installed it, I think all by the manual.. 
> (I assisted him a little and can fill out with some of my thoughts)
> When he runs startxwin.bat/sh the X-window pops up, but then 
> closes. Reading the /tmp/Xlog.txt (or what the file is 
> called) the last thing printed there was that it couldn't 
> find font fixed, when doublechecking he seemed to have the 
> font 6x13-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc

Try installing fonts manually... by using gunzip and tar xvf
This problem a few users reported a few times.
Is Cygwin disk mounted in binary or Text mode?  Do a mount command and
make sure it is in binary mode.

> (dug up the fontfilename from my fonts.alias and fonts.dir)
> (Payam, send the logfile to the list)
> He has two network cards, could it be something there messing up??

I doubt two network cards should report fixed font problem.


>         /Andy
> -- 
>  The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

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