Hi Holger,

thanks! That brought me onto the right track.

I had checked for name resolution to work on the Cygwin box (nslookup in DOS window), so I never tried using the ip address directly; but in Windows' hosts file (which Cygwin symlinks) there was a wrong entry for my servers.

Stupid mistake, sorry for disturbing, I should have found THAT on my own.

Thanks for your help!


--On 14. Dezember 2006 16:46:02 +0100 Holger Krull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dirk H. Schulz schrieb:

- using "X -query HOSTNAME" in all variants I know leads to a blank grey
screen with no login of my servers, even if I substitute HOSTNAME with
the one that always wins the race at "X -broadcast".

did you try X -query numeric.ip.address -from x.server.address ?

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