Interrupts, xterm, bash and .cmd scripts

2004-08-03 Thread Gregory F. March

Hi all...

No luck for me over on the cygwin list, so I guess I should try here.

I'm having a problem with ^C while running weblogic server in either an xterm
or rxvt. This problem does not exist when running bash in the regular cmd

The problem is that if I launch an xterm or rxvt and I then run the
startWeblogic.cmd script, typing a ^C will return me to the bash prompt, but
it will not kill the weblogic server I ran. The task manager will show the 
java.exe process running, and the machine responds on the WLS port.

I'm pretty sure this is not isolated to the weblogic start script, but to all 
.cmd scripts, but it is hard to tell.

When I run an xterm, I'm launching XWin using the cygwin run.exe with the
-clipboard -multiwindow options, and then launching xterm using run.exe /bin/
xterm. When I run rxvt, I just run it from a cmd window using "rxvt &".

This is on Window 2000 SP3.

Any help would be appreciated.



N.B. When I run the (a bash script), ^C doesn't do anything. 
I have to ^Z and kill -9 %.

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Gregory F. March||AIM:GfmNet

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Gregory F. March||AIM:GfmNet

Re: problem starting xterm (resolved)

2004-08-03 Thread Yadin Y. Goldschmidt
I found out that the problem was that I installed the Nortel remote sslvpn
application manager that makes some changes to the system. Once I undid
those changes all  X programs started to work fine again. It is interesting
what kind of changes to the system can interfere with cygwin programs in
this way.

can´t copy/paste beetwen cygwin and admintool

2004-08-03 Thread MIGUELANGELHIJO

I can´t copy/paste beetwen cygwin and aplications like admintool, 
however I can copy/paste beetwen cygwin and tipical windows 
application like word,netscape …

I have added the line 
"\e[2~": paste-from-clipboard
into .inputrc  to be able to use the insert key, but it doesn´t work 

How can copy/paste beetwen cygwin and applications like admintool?   

Thanks for your time.