scrolling xterm with Levovo trackpoint

2011-12-10 Thread Paul Maier
Hi there,

when I reboot my PC, scrolling an xterm with a Levovo trackpoint works (mostly) 
fine, very smooth and good speed.
Then I work for a while and some condition, that I couldn't find out yet, 
corrupts it.
It then doesn't scroll WHILE you hold that Trackpoint middle button down, but 
after you RELEASED it;
on release it catches up for all the scrolling that should have appeared before.
It's then not really scrolling but guesswork, how much of pressure might be the 
right, then you release
and you see where you got scrolled by that. 

Does anybody have the same experience or an idea what could be the cause of 
that switching from working to not working?

With trackpoint I mean that red button in the middle of a Lenovo laptop.

Thanks  regards,

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Re: Problems with emacs built against gtk3

2011-12-10 Thread Ken Brown

On 12/9/2011 8:39 PM, wrote:

Ken  writes:

On 11/30/2011 6:54 AM, Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:

On Wed, 2011-11-30 at 11:17 +0100, Pavel Holejsovsky wrote:

On 11/30/2011 4:51 AM, Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:

2.  The pango warning can already be observed with the current Cygwin
emacs after the recent update of the GNOME libraries.  To reproduce,
install the emacs-X11 package and start emacs with the command `emacs'
in an xterm window.

I cannot reproduce this.  Does installing font-cantarell-otf help?
Perhaps another font?

I can reproduce it, in fact almost every gtk-enabled application spits
that out.  I tried stracing, and I think (but I'm not sure) that the
warning appears after pango tries to load
/usr/lib/pango/1.6.0/modules/pango-basic-fc.dll -   there is no
/usr/lib/pango directory on my system, and it seems that no package in
cygwin or ports repository provides it.

That's the clue I needed.  I switched pango to builtin modules over a
year ago in Ports to help minimize fork() errors, but that didn't reach
the distro until now.  If I'm right, removing /etc/pango/pango.modules
should fix it.

That fixes it.  Thanks.

Unless I do:


I get the following error:

(emacs:4048): GLib-WARNING **: In call to g_spawn_sync(), exit status of a 
child process was requested but SIGCHLD action was set to SIG_IGN and ECHILD 
was received by waitpid(), so exit status can't be returned. This is a bug in 
the program calling g_spawn_sync(); either don't request the exit status, or 
don't set the SIGCHLD action.

** (emacs:4048): WARNING **: Abnormal program termination spawning command line 
`dbus-launch --autolaunch=614770a5ea44ec425e4c57144ed14d5c --binary-syntax 

[1]+  Segmentation fault  emacs

I have no /etc/pango/pango.modules file

Removing /etc/pango/pango.modules was to get rid of a pango warning that 
a lot of people were getting.  Yaakov explained how to get rid of the 
error you're talking about here:


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