[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: libcanberra-0.28-2

2012-04-01 Thread Yaakov (Cygwin/X)

The following packages have been updated for the Cygwin distribution:

*** libcanberra0-0.28-2
*** libcanberra-devel-0.28-2
*** libcanberra-gtk0-0.28-2
*** libcanberra-gtk-deve-0.28-2
*** libcanberra-gtk3_0-0.28-2
*** libcanberra-gtk3-devel-0.28-2
*** gtk2.0-canberra-module-0.28-2
*** gtk3-canberra-module-0.28-2
*** vala-libcanberra-0.28-2
*** vala-libcanberra-gtk-0.28-2

libcanberra is an implementation of the XDG Sound Theme and Name
Specifications, for generating event sounds on free desktops, such as
GNOME. It comes with several backends and is designed to be portable.

This release adds support for PulseAudio and TDB caching.




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Re: X server crash when running texworks

2012-04-01 Thread Jon TURNEY
On 31/03/2012 11:28, Jon TURNEY wrote:
> On 30/03/2012 12:36, Jon TURNEY wrote:
>> For me, the problem of texworks hanging only occurs very intermittently.  It
>> seems to be blocked deep in QtCore, waiting for the spawned process to
>> terminate (which has already happened).
> Attaching to the texworks process, I get a backtrace like this:
> (gdb) bt
> #0  0x7c90e514 in ntdll!LdrAccessResource () from
> /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/ntdll.dll
> #1  0x7c90df4a in ntdll!ZwWaitForMultipleObjects () from
> /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/ntdll.dll
> #2  0x7c809590 in KERNEL32!CreateFileMappingA () from
> /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/kernel32.dll
> #3  0x7c80a115 in WaitForMultipleObjects () from
> /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/kernel32.dll
> #4  0x610ce614 in select_stuff::wait(_types_fd_set*, _types_fd_set*,
> _types_fd_set*, unsigned long) ()
>from /usr/bin/cygwin1.dll
> #5  0x610cf02b in cygwin_select () from /usr/bin/cygwin1.dll
> #6  0x610d33d5 in _sigfe () from /usr/bin/cygwin1.dll
> #7  0x0022b87c in ?? ()
> #8  0x6d445820 in cygQtCore-4!_ZN15QProcessManager11qt_metacastEPKc () from
> /usr/bin/cygQtCore-4.dll
> #9  0x6d446e97 in cygQtCore-4!_ZN15QProcessPrivate15waitForFinishedEi () from
> /usr/bin/cygQtCore-4.dll
> #10 0x6d40fb85 in cygQtCore-4!_ZN8QProcess15waitForFinishedEi () from
> /usr/bin/cygQtCore-4.dll
> #11 0x6d41286c in cygQtCore-4!_ZN8QProcess7executeERK7QStringRK11QStringList
> () from /usr/bin/cygQtCore-4.dll

>> I'm not sure how the X server changes could directly cause that to happen.

I can reproduce that same problem with the same backtrace with X server
1.11.4-5, so I don't think this can be called a regression in 1.12.0-1.

Volunteer Cygwin/X X Server maintainer

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Re: X server crash when running texworks

2012-04-01 Thread Jon TURNEY
On 01/04/2012 07:07, Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 9:26 AM, Ken Brown wrote:
>> I wanted to do some further tests, but I thought I should install the latest
>> Cygwin snapshot (2012-03-30) first.  With that Cygwin snapshot, the XWin
>> snapshot of 20120329 won't start.
> It's not quite right here either.  Xwin starts up OK, but I can't get
> an xterm going from the menu (stack dump). But if I open a CMD window
> and type "xterm -display localhost:0" then the xterm starts up OK.

If the cygwin 1.7.12 snapshot breaks the package XWin, you probably want to
report that in the 1.7.12 snapshot call for testing thread, so the people who
can fix problems with that will notice.

Volunteer Cygwin/X X Server maintainer

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Re: Your program FontForge can't be used with cygwin since a few years

2012-04-01 Thread marco atzeri

On 4/1/2012 3:35 AM, epost_123 wrote:

Your program FontForge can't be used with cygwin since a few years.
Many Greetings

wrong mail target ?
cygwin has no package fontforge.


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