xterm does't handle LINES and COLS correctly anymore

2012-03-20 Thread Voelker, Bernhard
Since one of the last updates this year, the output
in an xterm is sometimes wrapped after a few columns.
They same applies to the number of lines.

Sometimes it works, i.e. xterm wraps the line when
the content really doesn't fit into the line anymore,
but sometimes the lines are wrapped after 4 or 30

The effect sometimes appears locally (i.e. in xcygwin),
but happens more often when logging into a remote 
server via SSH. In such a case, the terminal is unusable.

I noticed that LINES and COLS is not set on the cygwin
side, and remotely (2 SLES servers) I get something like

Setting the LINES before and/or after ssh'ing into
the server sometimes helps, but not very often.

Any ideas?

Thank you & have a nice day,

P.S. It's Win7, and I start openbox from ~/.xinitrc
via the .bat lines
  chdir /d d:\cygwin\bin
  .\run bash -l -c /bin/startx

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AW: openbox scrambled after xorg 7.4 update

2008-11-19 Thread Voelker, Bernhard
Yaakov wrote:

> Voelker, Bernhard wrote:
> > my openbox window manager is not usable anymore: the menues, window
> > titles etc. are not rendered correctly and can't be read anymore.
> > 
> > Is openbox supported with the new xorg version?
> > Any other ideas?
> http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-xfree/2008-11/msg00079.html

oops, thanx.

In the meantime, I guess  I'll use blackbox - this still works fine ;-)

and a cygwin binary:

Have a nice day,

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openbox scrambled after xorg 7.4 update

2008-11-18 Thread Voelker, Bernhard
Hi *,

I updated my cygwin installation today - several x.org packages were
among them.

Now (after I have found out that startxwin.bat was moved from
/usr/X11R6/bin/ to /usr/bin/),
my openbox window manager is not usable anymore: the menues, window
titles etc. are
not rendered correctly and can't be read anymore.

Is openbox supported with the new xorg version?
Any other ideas?

BTW (OT): xterm comes up with the toolbar displayed now.

Have a nice day,

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