On 2018-03-07 22:05, shenba raj wrote:
> We have been using DummyNet tool for past two years to emulate different
> network conditions like 3g, 4g and WiFi without any issue. Recently we have
> migrated from Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise version to Windows Server
> 2012 R2 DataCenter version. Since migration, we are unable to run the .bat
> files commands ( for 3g.bat, 4g.bat and WiFi.bat) using cmd prompt and
> encountering below error. Kindly help us in this regard.
> Ipfw 600 find_fast_cwd:WARNING:couldn’t compute FAST_CWD pointer. Please
> report this problem to public mailing list cygwin@cygwin.com
> <https://mail.cognizant.com/owa/redir.aspx?REF=hVo25SAaIdcLpnxpeRysncESuoG3lEt16ACgXy0cIheqAZLpsITVCAFtYWlsdG86Y3lnd2luQGN5Z3dpbi5jb20.>

Upgrade your old Cygwin release when you upgrade OS releases:


> Your prompt response will be highly appreciated as DummyNet issue is
> blocking project deliverable. Thank you in advance for your help and
> support.

Searching for the error message would have provided the solution quicker than

Cygwin is a small volunteer effort: users encountering problems can often find
the explanation or solution if they read the home, FAQ, and problem reporting
pages, search the mailing list archives, and subscribe to the mailing list(s),
before mailing the list.

Better yet, just follow the instructions for upgrading and see if the problem
was solved, or you get better diagnostics, before doing the above.

If used in development of projects for commercial operations, maybe contribute
by donating to the lead or major contributor volunteers via the home page
Donations link.

If deployed for operations, please provide support for your users by doing the
above checks before mailing the list, and include instructions for doing so in
your internal and external support documents.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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