Re: mixed usage of lock protection and lock-free List template class in thread.h

2018-02-16 Thread Xiaofeng Liu via cygwin
PT_S4_+182>: mov 
0x18021ba0a <_Z11List_removeI13pthread_mutexEvR10fast_mutexRPT_S4_+186>: mov 
0x18021ba0e <_Z11List_removeI13pthread_mutexEvR10fast_mutexRPT_S4_+190>: mov 

(gdb) x/gx $rbp-8 #cur
0xff3fca98: 0x000601e147c0 
(gdb) x/gx 0x000601e147c0+0x10 #cur->next
0x601e147d0: 0x000601e147c0 #identical to cur, into infinite-loop

refer to the source code in thread.h:

template  inline void
List_remove (fast_mutex &mx, list_node *&head, list_node *node)
  if (!node)
  mx.lock ();
  if (head)
  if (InterlockedCompareExchangePointer ((PVOID volatile *) &head,
 node->next, node) != node)
  list_node *cur = head;

  while (cur->next && node != cur->next)
cur = cur->next;
  if (node == cur->next)
cur->next = cur->next->next;
  mx.unlock ();

Re-paste the sample code test-thread.cpp to demo the infinite loop (I fixed the 
space deletion issue in my yahoo email):


using namespace std;

class Queue {
typedef std::deque Container;
Queue(int _capacity = std::numeric_limits::max()) : 
capacity(_capacity), closed(false) {}
bool enqueue(T* d)
if (closed) return false;
std::unique_lock lock(mutex);
if (d == 0) { closed = true; empty_cv.notify_all(); return true; }
while (data.size() >= capacity)
return true;
T* dequeue()
std::unique_lock lock(mutex);
while (data.empty() && !closed)
if (data.size()) {
T* d = data.front();
return d;
} else return 0;
size_t size() const { return data.size(); }

std::mutex mutex;
std::condition_variable full_cv, empty_cv;
uint32_t capacity;
bool closed;
Container data;

struct Node {
int data;

struct Job {
Node* node;
Queue* recycle;

static Queue jobs;

static void* handle_job(void* arg)
long ithr = (long)arg;
unsigned long seed = time(0) + ithr*100;
int NS = 1000;
while (Job* j = jobs.dequeue()) {
struct timespec ts;
ts.tv_sec = 0;
seed = seed * 1103515245 + 12345;
ts.tv_nsec = seed%NS;
nanosleep(&ts, 0);
delete j;

struct Task {
Queue recycle;
int size; // number of sub jobs
Task(int N) : size(N)
for (int i = 0; idata = i;
Job* job = new Job;
job->node = t;
job->recycle = &recycle;
int i = 0;
while (Node* t = recycle.dequeue()) {
delete t;
if (++i == size) break;

static string timestamp()
time_t t;
struct tm tmp;
char buf[80];
t = time(NULL);
localtime_r(&t, &tmp);
strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d-%m-%Y %I:%M:%S", &tmp);
return buf;

static void* create_task(void* arg)
long ithr = (long)arg;
int TASK_NUM = 100;
int one_percent = TASK_NUM/100;
int NS = 1000;
unsigned long seed = time(0) + ithr*1;
int i = 0;
for (; i < TASK_NUM; ++i) {
struct timespec ts;
ts.tv_sec = 0;
seed = seed * 1103515245 + 12345;
ts.tv_nsec = seed%NS;
nanosleep(&ts, 0);
if (i%one_percent == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: create_task[%d]: %d%% done\n", 
timestamp().c_str(), ithr, i/one_percent);
Task task(TASK_SUB_JOB_NUM);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: create_task[%d]: %d%% done\n", timestamp().c_str(), 
ithr, i/one_percent);

int main()
std::vector threads(NTHR_HANDLE_JOB+NTHR_CREATE_TASK);
int k = 0;
for (long i = 0; i < NTHR_HANDLE_JOB; ++i) {
pthread_create(&threads[k++], NULL, handle_job, (void*)i);
for (long i = 0; i < NTHR_CREATE_TASK; ++i) {
pthread_create(&threads[k++], NULL, create_task, (void*)i);
    // wait for create_task thread
    for (size_t i = NTHR_HANDLE_JOB; i < threads.size(); ++i) {
pthread_join(threads[i], NULL);
// wait for handle_job thread
for (size_t i = 0; i < NTHR_HANDLE_JOB; ++i)
pthread_join(threads[i], NULL);

On F

Re: mixed usage of lock protection and lock-free List template class in thread.h

2018-02-14 Thread Corinna Vinschen
On Feb 14 07:37, Xiaofeng Liu via cygwin wrote:
> Sorry, I need send again for another try for the formatting.
> (Yahoo deleted my spaces. Please reformat the code in your C++ editor
> if you want to use the code. Sorry!)

You may want to use a good old MUA like thunderbird or mutt :}

> Here is the sample code that will hang in cygwin: test-thread.cpp
> to compile: 
> g++ -std=c++0x test-thread.cpp -lpthread 
> In this code, mutex and cond need be created and destroyed very
> frequently, which could corrupt the static list object owned by some
> classes in thread.h. In my test, I have a computer of 8 threads to run
> cygwin, and the hang could happen when cond/mutex objects are created
> and destroyed for the order of 1 millions times within a few minutes.
> Is this practical? Yes. My code for my product used a lot of
> std::future which use one mutex and one mutex for each object. The
> future objects are created and destroyed on the flight, so are for
> mutex and cond variables.  I can also observe that the peak memory
> kept increasing to a few hundred MB, and I suspect there is a MEMORY
> LEAK in cygwin kernel. 
> I hope the format will be good. If not, I will try again.

The leading spaces are still gone but at least the linefeeds have been
retained, so all is good.  Note that this is not sufficient for patch
submissions.  Make sure to send them as attachment as long as you're
using a broken MUA.

Thanks for the example.  If you can come up with a patch for a lockless
implementation this would be highly appreciated.


Corinna Vinschen  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

Description: PGP signature

Re: mixed usage of lock protection and lock-free List template class in thread.h

2018-02-13 Thread Xiaofeng Liu via cygwin
Sorry, I need send again for another try for the formatting.

(Yahoo deleted my spaces. Please reformat the code in your C++ editor if you 
want to use the code. Sorry!)
Here is the sample code that will hang in cygwin: test-thread.cpp
to compile: 
g++ -std=c++0x test-thread.cpp -lpthread 
In this code, mutex and cond need be created and destroyed very frequently, 
which could corrupt the static list object owned by some classes in thread.h. 
In my test, I have a computer of 8 threads to run cygwin, and the hang could 
happen when cond/mutex objects are created and destroyed for the order of 1 
millions times within a few minutes.
Is this practical? Yes. My code for my product used a lot of std::future which 
use one mutex and one mutex for each object. The future objects are created and 
destroyed on the flight, so are for mutex and cond variables.  I can also 
observe that the peak memory kept increasing to a few hundred MB, and I suspect 
there is a MEMORY LEAK in cygwin kernel. 
I hope the format will be good. If not, I will try again.




using namespace std; 

class Queue { 
typedef std::deque Container; 
Queue(int _capacity = std::numeric_limits::max()) : capacity(_capacity), 
closed(false) {} 
bool enqueue(T* d) 
if (closed) return false; 
std::unique_lock lock(mutex); 
if (d == 0) { closed = true; empty_cv.notify_all(); return true; } 
while (data.size() >= capacity) 
return true; 
T* dequeue() 
std::unique_lock lock(mutex); 
while (data.empty() && !closed) 
if (data.size()) { 
T* d = data.front(); 
return d; 
} else return 0; 
size_t size() const { return data.size(); } 

std::mutex mutex; 
std::condition_variable full_cv, empty_cv; 
uint32_t capacity; 
bool closed; 
Container data; 

struct Node { 
int data; 

struct Job { 
Node* node; 
Queue* recycle; 

static Queue jobs; 

static void* handle_job(void* arg) 
long ithr = (long)arg; 
unsigned long seed = time(0) + ithr*100; 
int NS = 1000; 
while (Job* j = jobs.dequeue()) { 
struct timespec ts; 
ts.tv_sec = 0; 
seed = seed * 1103515245 + 12345; 
ts.tv_nsec = seed%NS; 
nanosleep(&ts, 0); 
delete j; 

struct Task { 
Queue recycle; 
int size; // number of sub jobs 
Task(int N) : size(N) 
for (int i = 0; idata = i; 
Job* job = new Job; 
job->node = t; 
job->recycle = &recycle; 
int i = 0; 
while (Node* t = recycle.dequeue()) { 
delete t; 
if (++i == size) break; 

static string timestamp() 
time_t t; 
struct tm tmp; 
char buf[80]; 
t = time(NULL); 
localtime_r(&t, &tmp); 
strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d-%m-%Y %I:%M:%S", &tmp); 
return buf; 

static void* create_task(void* arg) 
long ithr = (long)arg; 
int TASK_NUM = 100; 
int one_percent = TASK_NUM/100; 
int TASK_SUB_JOB_NUM = 1; 
int NS = 1000; 
unsigned long seed = time(0) + ithr*1; 
int i = 0; 
for (; i < TASK_NUM; ++i) { 
struct timespec ts; 
ts.tv_sec = 0; 
seed = seed * 1103515245 + 12345; 
ts.tv_nsec = seed%NS; 
nanosleep(&ts, 0); 
if (i%one_percent == 0) { 
fprintf(stderr, "%s: create_task[%d]: %d%% done\n", timestamp().c_str(), ithr, 
Task task(TASK_SUB_JOB_NUM); 
fprintf(stderr, "%s: create_task[%d]: %d%% done\n", timestamp().c_str(), ithr, 

int main() 
std::vector threads(NTHR_HANDLE_JOB+NTHR_CREATE_TASK); 
int k = 0; 
for (long i = 0; i < NTHR_HANDLE_JOB; ++i) { 
pthread_create(&threads[k++], NULL, handle_job, (void*)i); 
for (long i = 0; i < NTHR_CREATE_TASK; ++i) { 
pthread_create(&threads[k++], NULL, create_task, (void*)i); 
// wait for create_task thread 
for (size_t i = NTHR_HANDLE_JOB; i < threads.size(); ++i) { 
pthread_join(threads[i], NULL); 
// wait for handle_job thread 
for (size_t i = 0; i < NTHR_HANDLE_JOB; ++i) 
pthread_join(threads[i], NULL); 
end of test-thread.cpp----------

To: Sent: Friday, December 1, 2017 9:15 AM
Subject: Re: mixed usage of lock protection and lock-free List template class 
in thread.h

On Dec  1 16:45, Xiaofeng Liu via cygwin wrote:
> Lock protection and lock-free should never be mixed ! 
> ​;a=blob;f=winsup/cygwin/thread.h;hb=1f42dc2bcf58d3b8629eb13d53de3f69fc314b47#l110
>  110 template  inline void 111 List_insert (list_node 
> *&head, list_node *node) 112 { 113 

Re: mixed usage of lock protection and lock-free List template class in thread.h

2018-02-13 Thread Xiaofeng Liu via cygwin
Sorry I have to reformat again.
Here is the sample code that will hang in cygwin:

to compile: g++ -std=c++0x test-thread.cpp -lpthread

#include #include #include #include #include 
#include #include #include #include 
#include #include #include #include 
#include using namespace std;
templateclass Queue {    typedef std::deque Container;public:    
Queue(int _capacity = std::numeric_limits::max()) : capacity(_capacity), 
closed(false) {}    bool enqueue(T* d)    {        if (closed) return false;    
    std::unique_lock lock(mutex);        if (d == 0) { closed = 
true; empty_cv.notify_all(); return true; }        while (data.size() >= 
capacity)            full_cv.wait(lock);        data.push_back(d);        
empty_cv.notify_one();        return true;    }    T* dequeue()    {        
std::unique_lock lock(mutex);        while (data.empty() && 
!closed)            empty_cv.wait(lock);        if (data.size()) {            
T* d = data.front();            data.pop_front();            
full_cv.notify_one();            return d;        } else return 0;    }    
size_t size() const { return data.size(); }
private:    std::mutex mutex;    std::condition_variable full_cv, empty_cv;    
uint32_t capacity;    bool closed;    Container data;};
struct Node {    int data;};
struct Job {    Node* node;    Queue* recycle;};
static Queue jobs;
static void* handle_job(void* arg){    long ithr = (long)arg;    unsigned long 
seed = time(0) + ithr*100;    int NS = 1000;    while (Job* j = 
jobs.dequeue()) {        struct timespec ts;        ts.tv_sec = 0;        seed 
= seed * 1103515245 + 12345;        ts.tv_nsec = seed%NS;        nanosleep(&ts, 
0);        j->recycle->enqueue(j->node);        delete j;    }}
struct Task {    Queue recycle;    int size; // number of sub jobs    
Task(int N) : size(N)    {        for (int i = 0; idata = i;            Job* job = new Job;          
  job->node = t;            job->recycle = &recycle;            
jobs.enqueue(job);        }    }    ~Task()    {        int i = 0;        while 
(Node* t = recycle.dequeue()) {            delete t;            if (++i == 
size) break;        }    }};
static string timestamp(){    time_t t;    struct tm tmp;    char buf[80];    t 
= time(NULL);    localtime_r(&t, &tmp);    strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d-%m-%Y 
%I:%M:%S", &tmp);    return buf;}
static void* create_task(void* arg){    long ithr = (long)arg;    int TASK_NUM 
= 100;    int one_percent = TASK_NUM/100;    int TASK_SUB_JOB_NUM = 1;    
int NS = 1000;    unsigned long seed = time(0) + ithr*1;    int i = 0;    
for (; i < TASK_NUM; ++i) {        struct timespec ts;        ts.tv_sec = 0;    
    seed = seed * 1103515245 + 12345;        ts.tv_nsec = seed%NS;        
nanosleep(&ts, 0);        if (i%one_percent == 0) {            fprintf(stderr, 
"%s: create_task[%d]: %d%% done\n", timestamp().c_str(), ithr, i/one_percent);  
      }        Task task(TASK_SUB_JOB_NUM);    }    fprintf(stderr, "%s: 
create_task[%d]: %d%% done\n", timestamp().c_str(), ithr, i/one_percent);}

int main(){    int NTHR_HANDLE_JOB = 4, NTHR_CREATE_TASK = 4;    
std::vector threads(NTHR_HANDLE_JOB+NTHR_CREATE_TASK);    int k = 0; 
   for (long i = 0; i < NTHR_HANDLE_JOB; ++i) {        
pthread_create(&threads[k++], NULL, handle_job, (void*)i);    }    for (long i 
= 0; i < NTHR_CREATE_TASK; ++i) {        pthread_create(&threads[k++], NULL, 
create_task, (void*)i);    }    // wait for create_task thread    for (size_t i 
= NTHR_HANDLE_JOB; i < threads.size(); ++i) {        pthread_join(threads[i], 
NULL);    }    jobs.enqueue(0);    // wait for handle_job thread    for (size_t 
i = 0; i < NTHR_HANDLE_JOB; ++i)        pthread_join(threads[i], NULL);}
In this code, mutex and cond need be created and destroyed very frequently, 
which could corrupt the static list object owned by some classes in thread.h. 
In my test, I have a computer of 8 threads to run cygwin, and the hang could 
happen when cond/mutex objects are created and destroyed for the order of 1 
millions times within a few minutes.

I can also observe that the peak memory kept increasing to a few hundred MB, 
and I suspect there is a MEMORY LEAK in cygwin kernel. 
I hope the format will be good. If not, I will try again.
      From: Corinna Vinschen 
 Sent: Friday, December 1, 2017 9:15 AM
 Subject: Re: mixed usage of lock protection and lock-free List template class 
in thread.h
On Dec  1 16:45, Xiaofeng Liu via cygwin wrote:
> Lock protection and lock-free should never be mixed ! 
> ​;a=blob;f=winsup/cygwin/thread.h;hb=1f42dc2bcf58d3b8629eb13d53de3f69fc314b47#l110
>  110 template  inline void 111 List_insert (list_node 
> *&head, list_node *node) 112 { 113   if (!node) 114     retur

Re: mixed usage of lock protection and lock-free List template class in thread.h

2018-02-13 Thread Xiaofeng Liu via cygwin
Here is the sample code that will hang in cygwin:
to compile: g++ -std=c++0x test-thread.cpp -lpthread

#include #include #include #include #include 
#include #include #include #include 
#include #include #include #include using 
namespace std;
templateclass Queue {    typedef std::deque Container;public:    
Queue(int _capacity = std::numeric_limits::max()) : capacity(_capacity), 
closed(false) {}    bool enqueue(T* d)    {        if (closed) return false;    
    std::unique_lock lock(mutex);        if (d == 0) { closed = 
true; empty_cv.notify_all(); return true; }        while (data.size() >= 
capacity)            full_cv.wait(lock);        data.push_back(d);        
empty_cv.notify_one();        return true;    }    T* dequeue()    {        
std::unique_lock lock(mutex);        while (data.empty() && 
!closed)            empty_cv.wait(lock);        if (data.size()) {            
T* d = data.front();            data.pop_front();            
full_cv.notify_one();            return d;        } else return 0;    }    
size_t size() const { return data.size(); }
private:    std::mutex mutex;    std::condition_variable full_cv, empty_cv;    
uint32_t capacity;    bool closed;    Container data;};
struct Node {    int data;};
struct Job {    Node* node;    Queue* recycle;};
static Queue jobs;
static void* handle_job(void* arg){    long ithr = (long)arg;    unsigned long 
seed = time(0) + ithr*100;    int NS = 1000;    while (Job* j = 
jobs.dequeue()) {        struct timespec ts;        ts.tv_sec = 0;        seed 
= seed * 1103515245 + 12345;        ts.tv_nsec = seed%NS;        nanosleep(&ts, 
0);        j->recycle->enqueue(j->node);        delete j;    }}
struct Task {    Queue recycle;    int size; // number of sub jobs    
Task(int N) : size(N)    {        for (int i = 0; idata = i;            Job* job = new Job;          
  job->node = t;            job->recycle = &recycle;            
jobs.enqueue(job);        }    }    ~Task()    {        int i = 0;        while 
(Node* t = recycle.dequeue()) {            delete t;            if (++i == 
size) break;        }    }};
static string timestamp(){    time_t t;    struct tm tmp;    char buf[80];    t 
= time(NULL);    localtime_r(&t, &tmp);    strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d-%m-%Y 
%I:%M:%S", &tmp);    return buf;}
static void* create_task(void* arg){    long ithr = (long)arg;    int TASK_NUM 
= 100;    int one_percent = TASK_NUM/100;    int TASK_SUB_JOB_NUM = 1;    
int NS = 1000;    unsigned long seed = time(0) + ithr*1;    int i = 0;    
for (; i < TASK_NUM; ++i) {        struct timespec ts;        ts.tv_sec = 0;    
    seed = seed * 1103515245 + 12345;        ts.tv_nsec = seed%NS;        
nanosleep(&ts, 0);        if (i%one_percent == 0) {            fprintf(stderr, 
"%s: create_task[%d]: %d%% done\n", timestamp().c_str(), ithr, i/one_percent);  
      }        Task task(TASK_SUB_JOB_NUM);    }    fprintf(stderr, "%s: 
create_task[%d]: %d%% done\n", timestamp().c_str(), ithr, i/one_percent);}

int main(){    int NTHR_HANDLE_JOB = 4, NTHR_CREATE_TASK = 4;    
std::vector threads(NTHR_HANDLE_JOB+NTHR_CREATE_TASK);    int k = 0; 
   for (long i = 0; i < NTHR_HANDLE_JOB; ++i) {        
pthread_create(&threads[k++], NULL, handle_job, (void*)i);    }    for (long i 
= 0; i < NTHR_CREATE_TASK; ++i) {        pthread_create(&threads[k++], NULL, 
create_task, (void*)i);    }    // wait for create_task thread    for (size_t i 
= NTHR_HANDLE_JOB; i < threads.size(); ++i) {        pthread_join(threads[i], 
NULL);    }    jobs.enqueue(0);    // wait for handle_job thread    for (size_t 
i = 0; i < NTHR_HANDLE_JOB; ++i)        pthread_join(threads[i], NULL);}
In this code, mutex and cond need be created and destroyed very frequently, 
which could corrupt the static list object owned by some classes in thread.h. 
In my test, I have a computer of 8 threads to run cygwin, and the hang could 
happen when cond/mutex objects are created and destroyed for the order of 1 
millions times within a few minutes.
I can also observe that the peak memory kept increasing to a few hundred MB, 
and I suspect there is a MEMORY LEAK in cygwin kernel. 
I hope the format will be good. If not, I will try again.
Thanks.       From: Corinna Vinschen 
 Sent: Friday, December 1, 2017 9:15 AM
 Subject: Re: mixed usage of lock protection and lock-free List template class 
in thread.h
On Dec  1 16:45, Xiaofeng Liu via cygwin wrote:
> Lock protection and lock-free should never be mixed ! 
> ​;a=blob;f=winsup/cygwin/thread.h;hb=1f42dc2bcf58d3b8629eb13d53de3f69fc314b47#l110
>  110 template  inline void 111 List_insert (list_node 
> *&head, list_node *node) 112 { 113   if (!node) 114     return; 115   do 116  
>    node->next = head; 117   while (Int

Re: mixed usage of lock protection and lock-free List template class in thread.h

2017-12-01 Thread Corinna Vinschen
On Dec  1 16:45, Xiaofeng Liu via cygwin wrote:
> Lock protection and lock-free should never be mixed ! 
> ​;a=blob;f=winsup/cygwin/thread.h;hb=1f42dc2bcf58d3b8629eb13d53de3f69fc314b47#l110
>  110 template  inline void 111 List_insert (list_node 
> *&head, list_node *node) 112 { 113   if (!node) 114     return; 115   do 116  
>    node->next = head; 117   while (InterlockedCompareExchangePointer ((PVOID 
> volatile *) &head, 118                                             node, 
> node->next) != node->next); 119 } 120  121 template  inline 
> void 122 List_remove (fast_mutex &mx, list_node *&head, list_node *node) 123 
> { 124   if (!node) 125     return; 126   mx.lock (); 127   if (head) 128     
> { 129       if (InterlockedCompareExchangePointer ((PVOID volatile *) &head, 
> 130                                              node->next, node) != node) 
> 131         { 132           list_node *cur = head; 133  134           while 
> (cur->next && node != cur->next) 135             cur = cur->next; 136         
>   if (node == cur->next) 137             cur->next = cur->next->next; 138     
>     } 139     } 140   mx.unlock (); 141 }
> The symptom I met is a job hang with the following stack:
> #0  0x7711c2ea in ntdll!ZwWaitForMultipleObjects () from 
> /cygdrive/c/Windows/SYSTEM32/ntdll.dll
> #1  0x07fefd111430 in KERNELBASE!GetCurrentProcess () from 
> /cygdrive/c/Windows/system32/KERNELBASE.dll
> #2  0x76fc06c0 in WaitForMultipleObjects () from 
> /cygdrive/c/Windows/system32/kernel32.dll
> #3  0x0001800458ac in cygwait(void*, _LARGE_INTEGER*, unsigned int) () 
> from /usr/bin/cygwin1.dll
> #4  0x00018013d029 in pthread_cond::~pthread_cond() () from 
> /usr/bin/cygwin1.dll
> #5  0x00018013d0dd in pthread_cond::~pthread_cond() () from 
> /usr/bin/cygwin1.dll
> #6  0x000180141196 in pthread_cond_destroy () from /usr/bin/cygwin1.dll
> #7  0x000180116d5b in _sigfe () from /usr/bin/cygwin1.dll
> #8  0x000100908e38 in 
> std::_Sp_counted_ptr_inplace  ()>, std::allocator, void ()>, std::allocator, 
> (__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>::_M_dispose() ()
> The problem with the current implementation for concurrent insert and delete 
> is explained at WikipediaNon-blocking linked list
> My question is how to solve this ? Adding lock protection in List_insert 
> (removing lock-freee) or implementing a complete lock-free List based on 
> Harris's solution to use two CAS?

First of all, please, please, please fix your MUA!  Just like your
mails to cygwin-patches a couple of weeks ago, your mails are pretty
much unreadable due to broken line wrapping.

Back to business: This code is working since 2003.  So, is that just
a theoretical problem, or a practical one?  If the latter, what is
broken exactly?

However, since you're asking, a lockless implementation where appropriate
is always welcome.


Corinna Vinschen  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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