I have an up-to-date Cygwin install, installed using -no-admin on Win 10. 
Completely vanilla. 

When I install X-applications (using setup-XXX.exe) that have schema 
information, they seem to frequently throw an error and not work. It seems to 
be because the installation is not running glib-compile-schemas after the 
schema information is unpacked into /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas

If I run this manually, it throws warnings but no errors (see below) and fixes 
the problem. So I am wondering if some changes to the install process might be 

Apologies if I have used the wrong terminology. I'm just a desktop user.

Here is a typical session after installing nautilus (similar occurred after 
installing eog):


$ nautilus
[1] 6860

** (nautilus:6860): WARNING **: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: 
org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message recipient disconnected from message 
bus without replying

(nautilus:6860): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: Settings schema 
'org.gnome.nautilus.preferences' is not installed

[1]+  Done                    nautilus

$ find /usr -iname "*naut*xml"

$ glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/
Warning: Schema “org.gnome.crypto.cache” has path 
“/desktop/gnome/crypto/cache/”.  Paths starting with  “/apps/”, 
“/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.gnome.crypto.pgp” has path 
“/desktop/gnome/crypto/pgp/”.  Paths starting with “  /apps/”, 
“/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.gnome.system.locale” has path “/system/locale/”.  
Paths starting with “/apps/†, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are 
Warning: Schema “org.gnome.system.proxy” has path “/system/proxy/”.  
Paths starting with “/apps/”,  “/desktop/” or “/system/” are 
Warning: Schema “org.gnome.system.proxy.http” has path 
“/system/proxy/http/”.  Paths starting with “ /apps/”, “/desktop/” 
or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.gnome.system.proxy.https” has path 
“/system/proxy/https/”.  Paths starting with â   €œ/apps/”, 
“/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.gnome.system.proxy.ftp” has path 
“/system/proxy/ftp/”.  Paths starting with “/a  pps/”, “/desktop/” 
or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.gnome.system.proxy.socks” has path 
“/system/proxy/socks/”.  Paths starting with â  €œ/apps/”, 
“/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.

$ nautilus

** (nautilus:19404): WARNING **: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: 
org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message recipient disconnected from message 
bus without replying

<<Now nautilus runs>>

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