Jim KAOS wrote:
#    Without effecting the backbone or implimenting some sort of regular
#    communications channel between operators (both against the intial charter)
#    then all the current proposals are simply bogus.

Wow, you're all-around incompetent.

#    If the basic backbone is altered from its current status then the spammers
#    and those opposed to the Cypherpunk credo (and democratic thought as well)
#    will have won. It is a an overt admission that speech must be moderated
#    and that poeple in general, and technology in particular, has no solution.
#    It means that we as Cypherpunks have failed. If you want to quit and let
#    these scum rule your life so be it. Those who give up freedom for
#    security deserve neither.

Did you write the speeches in the movie 'Dune'?

#    Individuals need to quit thinking in a herd mentatility and take a stand
#    for their own beliefs and desires.

Brian to crowd: "YOU ARE ALL INDIVIDUALS".


#    This means taking individual action, not asking some 3rd party to step
#    in and take care of it for you (how un-cypherpunks that is is obvious).
#    That some of the 'founders' of the cypherpunks movement are promulgating
#    such trash is truly revealing of their base character.
#    Individual, people need to start filtering their email. It takes a lot(!)
#    less time and effort to set up indvidual filtering than all the bitching
#    and energy that gets expended on this socialist clap-trap. People don't
#    have the time and energy to filter the mail but they expect others to, and
#    to do it to their satisfaction to boot. What a bunch of lazy dipshits. Do
#    your own dirty work. This also goes for those (Tim, Declan, etc.) who
#    would rather change the entire system (and dictating others actions,
#    rather un-cypherpunk that) instead of acting on their own purported
#    beliefs and opening a simple remailer that filters according to whatever
#    regex you desire. How lazy and hypocritical.

No, it's not. You're the lazy one who can't bother to read
his own majordomo email. I had to send email to the list
before you woke up and fixed things.

When I'm done with my current Usenet project, I'll volunteer to soup up
a majordomo setup to allow each subscriber:

    o no filtering whatsoever (default)
    o filtering of non-subscribers, except strong anonymizers
    o filtering of subscribers

And support for email requests of majordomo yielding:

    o #of subscribers
    o #of people filtering you
    o last 30 messages received, unfiltered, one messageball

Built-in support (and choice) at the list level is the way to go.

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