

If you want to download the software before the injunction hits:

If anyone sets up a mirror site, please let me know.



>Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 21:11:27 -0500
>From: Ted Bridis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Cyber Patrol lawsuit
>Didn't know if you saw this yet.
>Software Co. sues hackers
>AP Technology Writer
>WASHINGTON (AP) -- A company that makes popular software to block children
>from pornographic Internet sites filed an unusual lawsuit late Wednesday
>against two computer experts who developed a method for kids to deduce their
>parents' password and access those Web sites.
>Microsystems Software Inc. of Framingham, Mass., which sells the widely used
>Cyber Patrol, asked U.S. District Judge Edward F. Harrington for a temporary
>restraining order requiring Eddy L. O. Jansson and Matthew Skala to stop
>distributing their ``cphack'' program immediately.
>Skala, a Canadian graduate student in computer science, and Jansson,
>believed to be living in Sweden, published over the weekend on the Internet
>and in e-mail details about how to circumvent the filter technology in Cyber
>Patrol, which sells for about $30 and is widely used in many of the nation's
>elementary schools and libraries.
>They also offered a small ``cphack'' utility for ``people oppressed by Cyber
>Patrol'' that, when run on a parent's computer, reveals the password that
>blocks questionable Web sites -- and also discloses the product's entire
>list of more than 100,000 Internet sites deemed unsuitable for children.
>``I oppose the use of Internet filtering software on philosophical
>grounds,'' Skala said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press.
>``The issue here was to see what does Cyber Patrol actually block. Parents
>have a right to know what they're getting and without our work they wouldn't
>In its legal filings, Microsystems said it suffered ``irreparable harm''
>from the publication of the bypassing software, which it said sought to
>destroy the market for its product by rendering it ineffective.
>``The practical effect is that ... children may bypass their parents efforts
>to screen out inappropriate materials on the Internet,'' the lawsuit said.
>Skala, a cryptography buff who attends the University of Victoria in British
>Columbia, said he spent about six weeks analyzing Cyber Patrol with
>Jansson's help via e-mail from Sweden.
>``One could well question how much force of law (the legal filings) have in
>Sweden or in Canada,'' Skala said.
>In an unusual legal strategy, Microsystems alleged that Skala and Jansson
>violated U.S. copyright law when they reverse-engineered Cyber Patrol to
>analyze it, which the company said is expressly prohibited in its license
>Skala, who learned about the legal filings in Massachusetts from the AP,
>said he planned to speak with a lawyer but suggested that his work may be
>protected under a ``fair use'' clause of copyright law.
>Microsystems also asked the judge to order the Swedish Internet company
>where the bypass utility is published to turn over records identifying
>everyone who visited the Web site or downloaded the program.
>The company's lawyer, Irwin Schwartz, said damage to its product is ``at
>least at a minimum'' now because relatively few people were believed to have
>downloaded the bypass software.
>On the Net: http://www.cyberpatrol.com

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