A provocative document on Cylink has been put on Cryptome 


Confirmations, supplements and rebuttals welcomed.

Bill Crowell has been invited to give Cylink's response.


41. Which United States agency recruited Cylink to work 
with the KGB trained personnel in Armenia? 

42. Which United States agency used Cylink product to 
listen to United States banking and funds transfers? 

43. Which United States agency arranges for the legal 
protection of Cylink from investigation and prosecution? 

44. What United States government agency provided 
Dr. Jimmy K. Omura and Louis Morris immunity from 

45. How is Robert Fougner able to stay at Cylink and avoid 
legal prosecution? 

46. Is Cylink the National Security Agency's model business, 
or another Central Intelligence Agency business operating 
illegally inside United States borders?


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