NYT reports today on a patent for a system which samples
the plume of dead skin flakes which rise from humans to 
identify carriers of bombs, weapons, contraband, dirty money, 
narcotics, chem-bio warfare ingredients, nuclear materials, 
and other hazardous material. The devices could be set up 
at airports or elsewhere to more speedily process all passengers 
rather than the few selected by lethal profile for examination
by other systems.

The Times notes that privacy protection is not covered in
the patent, number 6,073,499. See <www.uspto.gov> or:


The story says that the outer layer of human skin is completely
shed and replaced every one or two days, and the flakes rise
on warm air of the body in a plume that can be captured by
the device for sampling. The flakes would carry evidence of
whatever is on the body or has been on it recently.

It is not clear if each human could be identified by its unique
who-is flakes, of a particular algorithm, pattern, odor, hue, stench, 
malice, hopes, dreams, lies, coitus inanimus.

Could flakes be faked, substituted, peddled, sealed against shed?
How to beat the device when your mate says step over here

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