The UK Sunday Times reports today:

  "MI5 has requested the assistance of the American 
  Federal Bureau of Investigation in tracking down and 
  erasing copies of the document from the internet. 
  Officials are particularly concerned about the release 
  of details of a hitherto unknown intelligence gathering 
  procedure called "telecheck", a system for filtering 
  phone traffic to trace, identify and record important calls."

The document is a top secret MI5 report on Libyan 
intelligence service activities in the UK, December 1995:

Publication of this URL is forbidden in the UK by HMG.

Cryptome's ISP, Verio, has inquired about the doc, in
response, it says, to a "British intelligence agency's"
request to remove it. After discussion Cryptome declined
to remove the doc except by court order, and sent an 
e-mail to Verio asking for information on the source and 
method of the request:

Verio's president's office called Friday in response to the
letter to say that it will investigate the request to remove the
doc and let Cryptome know. The Verio rep said she was
amazed that the Brits would ask without written grounds.
Based on the Sunday Times report, it's probably that it was 
the FBI who contacted Verio legal with a verbal request.

Exodus Communications ordered yanked
last Sunday for mirroring the document. A threat was
made by Exodus to NameSecure, a forwarding service for 
Mathaba, to either yank the site immediately or NameSecure
would be shutdown. A telephone inquiry to Exodus's office
of "Policy Enforcement Manager" has not been returned.

Downloads of the doc since April 14: ~8,000. 

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