Orwellian.Org wrote:
#    Tim May wrote:
#    #
#    #    If one is more than 1/128th negro, one is "African-American." Though
#    #    I've never understood why this is not just marked "niggah," as niggah
#    #    is what the niggaz almost always refer to each other as.
#    No, they don't.
#    What an asshole.

#    Yes, they do. And Fuck Off.

It's unfortunate that Tim May's social interactions (read: working
in an office) were terminated by too much money, because he sorely
needs some real world experience to avoid going wacky.

I've worked with plenty of blacks, and I've never heard them call
each other "nigger", which Mr. May is apparently unable to spell.

Given May's aversion to minorities ("When I saw a sign in Spanish
I knew it was time to move"), it's unlikely he heard such himself
on the street. Occasionally it is heard during comedy shows (Richard
Pryor, Whoopi Goldberg).

Other than that, how does he come up with such a statement?

Answer: his use of language is similar to Louis Farakkan, who
said "Hitler was a great man". Bucannan sympathizes: after all,
they are "technically accurate" because they _meant to say_ that
the German people thought Hitler was a great man.

So, without actually stepping up to the plate and saying he
thinks blacks are disgusting creatures, one gets statements
like: ~"I've never understood why they're not called niggers".

Not only is there no crypto-relevance to this hateful crap,
it's hateful crap. The cypherpunks are saddled with this asshole.

This is the same rich weirdo (RHPS ;-) who thought civilization
might collapse at Y2K, and started burying gold in the ground.

What May is doing here with this crap is a puzzle.

Perhaps he just can't shut up about his hate for minorities.


    "Hitler was a great man" ---Charles Lindbergh

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