Declan reports in his article that Carnivore is a "windows 2000
computer".  Given the insecurity of windows, with or without source
sooner or later someone is going to figure out a virus which frags it.

Say like the email address overflow which hit outlook recently.

The payload could be disabling filters, funnelling junk to the
filters, or format the disk or whatever -- windows security model
makes anything possible.

What kind of dumbass deploys servers using windows 2000 (even a
snoopware server) anyway?

On the question of whether Blaze and Bellovin testifying was
productive or actually counter-productive, I suppose the counter
argument is that it would seem unlikely to me that the Feds will be
able to bring themselves to open source.  The Feds want to retain
editorial control over what the software does in secret, and spin
control in being able to lie about what it does, so perhaps Blaze and
Bellovin may achieve some PR when the Feds refuse to open it.

But on the whole I'd think it was a hopeless cause hoping for them to
open up what it's doing, and they aren't going to get any big media
demands for opening it up, so that won't make them look any worse.

The strongest argument is as others have been saying, that it's
outrageous that they are doing it at all.


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