On Tue, 3 Apr 2001, Declan McCullagh wrote:

>Obviously there are going to be some points of agreement. Seth is a liberal 
>and a programmer who is going to like strong crypto, free speech (only the 
>types the ACLU approves of, naturally), and so on. But on cases involving 
>free trade, commercial speech, critiques of government regulation, Seth is 
>an aggressive anti-cypherpunk and proud of it.

Huh?  That's like being for an atmosphere but against gravity.  
If there is strong crypto, then everybody, including traders, 
government critics, etc, is going to do whatever the hell they 
want to do with information.

Being in favor of something but against its consequences is a 
state of fundamental conflict, and people who hold such conflicted 
views are generally ignorable without loss of information in the 
long run. 

So if that's the case, why should we even care what he thinks? 
He's wrong, that's all. 


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