Re: [ot][spam][personal] Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
Subgoal replacements for subgoal 2: - backup my filecoin key - identify what information is needed to recover files starting from a fresh install - begin uploading things that aren't backed up >

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Behavioral/Rambling Brownian Motion towards Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
8:15p I submitted a fix for the segfaults at . I don't understand the underlying cause well. I'm guessing it's because some of the dealids were lost, maybe they didn't go through while the node was offline, dunno. One of my deals remains and

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Behavioral/Rambling Brownian Motion towards Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
6:33p I was trying to get my daemon off the devtesting node and tried another node. It gave a new error. Upon switching back to, the daemon is segfaulting on launch again =/ > I wonder if the deals are far enough through to finish on their own.

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Behavioral/Rambling Brownian Motion towards Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
5:46p EST bafk2bzacebi57tmw5oop5tk6uzqlgcgoenrl7r45eiagvgjr2u55ct3lxldek is a file containing lines of "hello world". Deals for storing it are pending with f0410001 and f0167254 . It will take a day or two for them to complete. 5:48p EST. I may have written 5:46 maybe not unsure. The miners

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Behavioral/Rambling Brownian Motion towards Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
2:31 The immediate error is resolved. I had copied over the server cryptographic material from a previous store, but not the client cryptographic material. New concern: I had previously made a filecoin deal, and it is not listed in the output.

Re: [ot][spam][wrong] personal brownian motion

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
The pedestrian was laying near the gutter. They were still clutching tightly to the ground. Sometimes their limbs would flail a little, or they would make sudden inward ghasps sounding like "eep!" > The lotus and the gutter brick sat and patiently waited. "Hey up there, are you okay?" "What

Re: [ot][spam][wrong] personal brownian motion

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
Another universe technician popped in. "okay, guys. So." The technicians and sewer surfer were irritated to be interrupted. "1. That universe is fake. It's just part of some list spam. It's okay if it's temporarily upside down for a bit." "2. This particular universe is fake too. It's

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Behavioral/Rambling Brownian Motion towards Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
1:44 I think that's a different kind of auth

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Behavioral/Rambling Brownian Motion towards Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
1:44 the lotus authentication process can be inspected with "lotus auth"

Re: [ot][spam][wrong] personal brownian motion

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
The universe technicians looked at the pedestrian's reality. "Something went wrong with this one." "Oh?" "Do you see the water gushing out of the gutter and tumbling into the sky? The poor pedestrian hanging onto the ground for dear life?" "Seriously? This isn't another practical joke?"

Re: [ot][spam][wrong] personal brownian motion

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
The pedestrian entered a state of peace and began bringing the lotus closer to, but then suddenly the world turned upside down. "Wheee!" could be heard from the sewer as water began gushing out of the gutter and pouring into the sky.

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Behavioral/Rambling Brownian Motion towards Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
1:31p I searched the web for the error message. It seems like it just means the token is wrong. I rebooted the daemon and the token isn't changing on boot. There's a good chance I'm trying to connect with a stale token.

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Behavioral/Rambling Brownian Motion towards Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
1:23p the error is produced in go-jsonrpc, which is also made by the filecoin people

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Behavioral/Rambling Brownian Motion towards Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
1:14p The error is not produced in common.go:AuthVerify . It is in a dependency. >

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Behavioral/Rambling Brownian Motion towards Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
10:18a Error is likely emitted from node/impl/common/common.go:AuthVerify It is a method of CommonAPI. It passes the token and the api secret to jwt.Verify to extract a payload with an Allow property. jwt.Verify throws the causal error. 10:19a

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Behavioral/Rambling Brownian Motion towards Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
10:09a inner: "I have no idea how to address this. If I put enough energy in to understand this, I will be total confused for my appointment. I protect from that happening whenever I can." inner: "we can hold it. We can be okay."

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Behavioral/Rambling Brownian Motion towards Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
10:06a client output: ERROR: websocket: bad handshake lite node output: JWT Verification failed: jwt: HMAC verification failed 10:07a

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Behavioral/Rambling Brownian Motion towards Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
10:04a The reason for the access error is because my local lotus client is failing to read the token file. Easy to fix. Goal: example download with wallet. 10:05a

Re: [ot][spam][wrong] personal brownian motion

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
The lotus sat on the pavement, exuding beauty. A flower opens when it is ready for the world to spread more flowers.

Re: [ot][spam][wrong] personal brownian motion

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
The pedestrian sat in front of their lotus. The sewer grate brick was mumbling about something to itself. and were debating the comparative qualities of money and employees. each was certain the other was wrong, and could prove it. "Lotus, I have an appointment." The

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
Subgoal 2: If helpful: - infura filecoin docs are at - the other host uses email to request a node - digitalocean was the filecoin-recommended cloud provider >

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Behavioral/Rambling Brownian Motion towards Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
I don't remember what I'm doing or why and I'm inhibited from looking. It's 9:12a. I'd like to put the infura filecoin docs link into the subgoals spamthread.

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Behavioral/Rambling Brownian Motion towards Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
9:00a - I couldn't connect to the lotus daemon connected to the infura node. Logs contained repeated lines like: restarting listenHeadChanges listen head changes error: listenHeadChanges ChainNotify call failed: RPC Error (-32004): method 'Filecoin.ChainNotify' not supported in this mode (no

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Behavioral/Rambling Brownian Motion towards Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
8:49a My lotus lite daemon is running and I very suddenly need to pee more than anything else in the universe.

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Behavioral/Rambling Brownian Motion towards Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
12:43 UTC panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x0 pc=0x12624e4] Null pointer dereference. I'll try to try making a new .lotus folder while building latest client from source. 8:45a EST

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Behavioral/Rambling Brownian Motion towards Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
12:40 UTC This is the error message: opening backupds: opening log: reading backup part of the logic: log entry potentially truncated, set LOTUS_ALLOW_TRUNCATED_LOG=1 to proceed guess I'll try setting that 8:41a EST

Re: [ot][spam][wrong] brownian rambling

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
"This is a lot for a single person to take in one trip. I think we've found them all now, and I'd be happy to help carry them there. Hey, have you ever heard of a blockchain?" The disguised vivisectee had left some uncollected, in offices and rolled down the hallway, the other way. "Thanks."

[ot][spam][wrong] brownian rambling

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
Rebel Worker 2 walked down the hallway carrying a heaping armload of discs, tapes, mp3 players, cell phones with youtube archives etc etc. Rebel Worker 2 bumps into Vivisectee Disguised as Neighbor's Secretary. "Oh!" "Oh I'm sorry!" About a fifth of the material falls to the floor and tumbles

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Behavioral/Rambling Brownian Motion towards Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
7:46 I updated my lotus-lite daemon to use my credentials. My lotus binary is reliably crashing shortly after launch. Active goal: investigate lotus-lite failure 7:47

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Behavioral/Rambling Brownian Motion towards Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
7:40 My old lotus-lite daemon setup is in /etc/systemd/system ! I found it ! 7:41 its api info is wss:// 7:42 I tried this manually with FULLNODE_API_INFO and it worked. Guess isn't down.

Re: [ot][spam][wrong] personal brownian motion

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
"I'm trying to show that lotus to . Do you think they would like it?" "Oh, yes, anybody would love to touch a lotus like this!" The lotus slid back out of the sewer grate, apparently spic and span. The pedestrian leant down and picked it up.

Re: [ot][spam][wrong] personal brownian motion

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
"Would you like a lotus?" The pedestrian leaned down and placed a water lilly at the sewer grate. "Oh, wow, where did you get this?" A hand reached out and pulled the water lilly into the sewers.

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Behavioral/Rambling Brownian Motion towards Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
7:31 my lotus files are owned by a "lotus" user rather than my personal user. > I'll poke at it a little without noting times.

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Behavioral/Rambling Brownian Motion towards Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
7:28 ERROR: initializing node: applying node options failed: could not check lock status: lock /home/ubuntu/.lotus/repo.lock: permission denied >

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Behavioral/Rambling Brownian Motion towards Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
7:24a At it's revealed that infura does not support all operations and is used via: export FULLNODE_API_INFO="; It also mentions: export

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Behavioral/Rambling Brownian Motion towards Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
7:19a docs at >

Re: [ot][spam][wrong] personal brownian motion

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
"Why are you yodeling?" a brick next to a sewer grate asked the pedestrian? "Why are you hiding in the sewers and how the heck did you get down there?" the pedestrian asked, bending down. "I'm trying to say hi to the page. Are they deaf or blind or anything?" The page was

Re: [ot][spam][wrong] personal brownian motion

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
My vision (eyes) doesn't want to converge on the ... infura page. I'm seeing double all the time, so I guess the sensation represents some other issues engaging it. Down the street walked an page. "Hello!" said a pedestrian to the page. The page paused. "Did

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Behavioral/Rambling Brownian Motion towards Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
> 7:06a, the list above was pasted > At 7:04a. It was pasted at 7:04a. Writing finished at 7:06a. Behavior and cognition. >

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Behavioral/Rambling Brownian Motion towards Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
7:04a - It looks like is down. - I visited . Their mobile interface makes it look like they offer a custom REST api or somesuch, but it might be interoperable with lotus lite somehow. - I visited . They need email discussion around providing a full node. - I was

Re: [ot][spam][wrong] personal brownian motion

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
Ok u It looks like is down. I visited . Their mobile interface makes it look like they offer a custom REST api or somesuch, but it might be interoperable with lotus lite somehow. I visited . They need email discussion around providing a full node. I was

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Behavioral/Rambling Brownian Motion towards Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
On Sun, Jul 18, 2021, 6:46 AM Karl wrote: > grepping the source for the environment variable shows it should have a > url scheme at the end (http). > > A bug among either their documentation or me. > > 6:43a adding the url scheme does not prevent the same fatal error message > > 6:46a it also

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Behavioral/Rambling Brownian Motion towards Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
grepping the source for the environment variable shows it should have a url scheme at the end (http). A bug among either their documentation or me. 6:43a adding the url scheme does not prevent the same fatal error message 6:46a it also needs the domain name resolved. This launch string is

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Behavioral/Rambling Brownian Motion towards Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
The above command gives me: ERROR: unknown url scheme '' Goal: successfully run lotus in lite mode. Review command help or source to find documentation of the remote node address setting or the error message

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Behavioral/Rambling Brownian Motion towards Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
6:32: - verify or build a working lotus binary 6:33 my binary is already built in my lotus worktree note: FULLNODE_API_INFO=/ip4/YOUR_FULL_NODE_IP_ADDRESS/tcp/1234 lotus daemon --lite FULLNODE_API_INFO=/ip4/ lotus daemon --lite 6:36a

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Behavioral/Rambling Brownian Motion towards Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
6:29a I found my worktree and lotus source folders, but the lotus-lite.service file I made does not appear to be among them. Options: - look harder - review terminal logs - run manually Let's pursue #3. There is a link to how to run a lotus lite node in the first two threads. Run one using the

[ot][spam][wrong] personal brownian motion

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
My phone went offline right as I sent that last goal-oriented email! Airplane mode, Wi-Fi disabled. I brought it back online and the email left the outbox. Goal relates raspberry pi.

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Behavioral/Rambling Brownian Motion towards Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
6:18 am goal: access/use a filecoin wallet on a lotus lite node. 6:19a Concept: I think I have a filecoin wallet on my raspberry pi, not sure. I may have even initiated an upload of something already, not sure. Goal: visit raspberry pi filesystem, look for indication of filecoin/lotus wallet

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
Update for subgoal 2: - Documentation regarding lotus's "lite" mode is at - The example node given there is - and may provide nodes for pay [side note: there is another free example node mentioned somewhere, not

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Behavioral/Rambling Brownian Motion towards Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
- was one of the example ones - and may provide nodes for pay These posts now contain the information I need to store data on filecoin. Migrate subgoal-result to subgoal thread.

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Behavioral/Rambling Brownian Motion towards Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
Deepest subgoal met. > Current pending subgoal for preservation of personal digital information: review the lotus lite page to find an example remote node

EUNUCH JIM Bells risible parchment worship and masochism on display here

2021-07-18 Thread professor rat
A "libertarian" quasi-academic think-tank which acts as a mouthpiece for the globalism, corporatism, and neoliberalism of its corporate and conservative funders. the Jim Bell Project, sorry, Cato Institute is an astroturf organization: there is no significant participation by the tiny

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Behavioral/Rambling Brownian Motion towards Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
Lotus lite node: >

[ot][spam][personal] Behavioral/Rambling Brownian Motion towards Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
K let's figure this filecoin thing out. 5:53 EST. Filecoin's reference client is called "lotus" and it's written in go. lotus installation: -> it says you can run in the cloud for $100 credit. I did not receive a credit when I tried

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
Subgoal 2: Use filecoin to back up my confused/corrupt data right now Reason: this lets me repurpose my harddrives and opens my options Concern: filecoin likes having a beefy system to run. Many gigabytes of ram. [Side question: is there an existing hash database of operating system install

Re: [ot][spam][personal] Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
Update for subgoal 1 > Options: - datacoin has very cheap rates. Its hashrate is low and there is no easy automatable interface, but it's pay-once. It's designed for small-medium data. - bitcoinsv stn is pay-once and is designed for gigabytes of data. Uploading may require running a full node -

[ot][spam][personal] Subgoals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
Subgoal: Make or use a way to back data up to a pay-once blockchain Reason 1: If a monthly fee is required I may lose data if I am not available to pay some month Reason 2: The only pay-monthly data chain I am aware of with reasonable pricing is filecoin, and filecoin does not have a storage

[ot][spam][personal] Goals

2021-07-18 Thread Karl
Goal: back up my data and broken harddrives in a way that preserves integrity Concern: data stored in the cloud has experienced corruption for me Concern: objects held physically have experienced damage for me Concern: algorithms running on local systems have experienced misbehavior for me

Encryption Originalism

2021-07-18 Thread jim bell Earlier this year, testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee, FBI Director Chris Wray described the most pressing security threats facing his agency. Unsurprisingly, his opening statement led off with a mention of the Jan. 6

Suspect WL cypherpunks working as agents

2021-07-18 Thread professor rat
Our fellow punk, Batshit Crazy , has raised the possibility Jake A may have been working for the pentagon.  It seems uncontroversial to say his BFF, Julio Assangista was ( since 2013 ) So this raises questions over Andy Muller Maguhn and Jeremie Zimmerman. Were these ' new wave ' c-punks all in

NAZI's Be Aware

2021-07-18 Thread professor rat
I'm waiting for jakobo appelbaum, who got hundreds of thousands of dollars from the pentagon for promoting the fake anonimity network tor, and who was an accomplice of US military crimes in the middle east (so called 'arab spring') to tell us how the feminazis kicked him out of tor. ..." Hear