Re: FDA lied about Ivermectin

2021-11-14 Thread David Barrett
On Fri, Nov 12, 2021 at 7:16 PM cherry wrote: > Fauci is wealthy. So are most of his colleagues His wealth comes from > business deals with businesses who need his approvals for medications in > which they have monopolies. > This seems to be a really important component of the argument: that

Cypherpunks & anarchists combine to assassinate James O'Keefe

2021-11-14 Thread professor rat
Lets APster deadpool this creep.  The sooner we do that the sooner his two Kochsucking stooges here get sent a firm message. Here's my 200$ USD.  Ante up!

Re: Revenge for the victims - Death for Kyle Rittenhouse

2021-11-14 Thread professor rat
So now Tinkerbell has his panties in a wad about ' Rioters ". And this cop-loving creep was trying to pass as 'anarchist ' for a few years! He's not an anarchists arsehole. 

DOJ and FBI have combined to destroy project veritas

2021-11-14 Thread professor rat
JIM Bell is now fretting about Anarchy in American Institutions.  Jesus Fucking Christie. If he had any friends they would have staged an intervention by now. Fuck O'Keefe and the Jackass he rode in on. 

Re: DOJ and FBI have combined to destroy project veritas

2021-11-14 Thread grarpamp
On 11/15/21, jim bell wrote: > > (End of partial quote) The DOJ and FBI have combined to destroy Project Veritas November 13, 2021 By Andrea Widburg

Re: Revenge for the victims - Death for Kyle Rittenhouse

2021-11-14 Thread jim bell
The odd implication here, in the text quoted below, is that merely being openly armed amounts to an act which somehow justifies people attacking him. Which is odd, because I have recently read that 'many' of the rioters there were armed, whether or not they were openly carrying a gun. So, far

DOJ and FBI have combined to destroy project veritas

2021-11-14 Thread jim bell November 13, 2021 The DOJ and FBI have combined to destroy Project Veritas By Andrea Widburg Project Veritas uses hidden camera techniques to expose corruption, dishonesty, anarchy, and

Revenge for the victims - Death for Kyle Rittenhouse

2021-11-14 Thread professor rat
Huber had turned 26 just four days earlier, according to an obituary. Huber spotted the armed man in the crowded street and he ran toward danger, his girlfriend, Hannah Gittings, told CNN in an interview last year. "He pushed me out of the way and ran off. I tried to grab him," Hannah Gittings

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2021-11-14 Thread grarpamp Democrats Bidenomics subsidize failure... The Enormous Mental

Re: Kyle Rittenhouse 12mins defense team vid - epic - - [PEACE]

2021-11-14 Thread grarpamp
Was Rittenhouse's Possession Of The AR-15 Unlawful?

Re: 1984: Thread

2021-11-14 Thread grarpamp
Mass Social Control "Certainly On My Mind" - NY Gov. Jokes About Banning Zoom To Get Workers Back In Offices New York Governor Kathy Hochul joked with ABC7 New York that she wouldn't sanction Zoom to get people back to work in Manhattan as the latest employment survey found less than a third of

Re: Identity of Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto might be revealed

2021-11-14 Thread zeynepaydogan
craig Wright is a fraud. He's just self-centered So he can't be Satoshi Açık Pzt, Kas 15, 2021 02:51, jim bell yazdı: >

Cypherpunks Vs Marxism. There can be only one.

2021-11-14 Thread professor rat
1840-s Marx - Gertrude Himmelfarb argued that it cannot be denied that in his essay On the Jewish Question, Marx expressed views that “were part of the classic repertoire of anti-Semitism.”  Paul Johnson has argued that “The second part of Marx’s essay is almost a classic anti-Semitic tract,

Identity of Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto might be revealed

2021-11-14 Thread professor rat
Funny they asked professor Emin Gun Sirer who Satoshi was. Like asking Zeus what happened to Cronus.

Jan6: Patriot Purge (Documentary, Censored, Banned, Free Speech)

2021-11-14 Thread professor rat
Hate the Sinners - Love the Sin.  When cypherpunks are called terrorists we will have done our job. National borders are not even road-humps on the information superhighway.  Fucker KKKarlson can join this guy at a time and place of our choosing. Welcome

Jan6: Patriot Purge (Documentary, Censored, Banned, Free Speech)

2021-11-14 Thread grarpamp Patriot Purge - Full Docu 1:09:59 Panicked Democrats Call for Tucker Carlson to be Banned >From Television for Patriot Purge Documentary

Identity of Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto might be revealed

2021-11-14 Thread professor rat
And in related news James Dalton Bell might be just another deeply stupid US-based conservative spamming the cypherpunks list with garbage information. 

Identity of Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto might be revealed

2021-11-14 Thread jim bell

DeFi, or Decentralized Finance.

2021-11-14 Thread professor rat
DeFi the odds - everyone's a winner babe!

Killing the Jew-Hating, ' Natural Anarchist " traitor

2021-11-14 Thread professor rat
Chubenko, a member of Makhno's staff, accused Grigoriev of collaborating with Denikin (According to Arshinov, Denikin's emissaries were captured and executed) and of inciting the pogroms . . ."

Q-PKI regulation by consensus?

2021-11-14 Thread professor rat
One regulation many might agree on for crypto-currencies is a limit above which quantum-key-exchange security should be used. For example - all transactions involving more than 20k in value ( assessed by a basket of leading currencies )  Risky transactions might then be identified early and

CHAUM calls for quantum security

2021-11-14 Thread professor rat
DAVID CHAUM 1 HOUR AGO Without quantum security, our blockchain future is uncertain Special relativity keeps digital identities secure – Physics World

2021-11-14 Thread professor rat
The state-of-the-art for digital security is quantum-mechanical, not relativistic as the article itself says "... Gilles Brassard of the University of Montreal, who was not involved in the research, points out in an accompanying “News and views” article in Nature that fraudsters might in


2021-11-14 Thread professor rat
Mèo Mun is an anarchist collective working to make anarchist materials and ideas more accessible to a Vietnamese audience, together with providing an analysis of social struggles from a Vietnamese anarchist lens.èo-mun-anarchist-views-vietnam

CNBC: Bitcoin's biggest upgrade in four years just happened – here's what changes

2021-11-14 Thread professor rat
The fact nation-states and the corpse-media are now fluffing Big God ought to set off huge alarms here.  Then there's the kludge after kludge after kludge required to keep this C02 producing monster viable.  Its like watching a steampunk biplane being repaired mid-air. Cypherpunks are called on

Evidence the US Libertarian Party is fascist

2021-11-14 Thread professor rat
Lip service is paid to Austrian economics in Libertarian circles. Austrian ( Quack ) economists Mises and Hayek are linked directly to fascist outcomes in 30's Austria and 70's Chile. Then there is Peter Thiel and his Kochsuckers today. So; plenty of

Threatpost: Millions of Routers, IoT Devices at Risk from New Open-Source Malware

2021-11-14 Thread jim bell
Threatpost: Millions of Routers, IoT Devices at Risk from New Open-Source Malware. Special relativity keeps digital identities secure – Physics World

2021-11-14 Thread jim bell Special relativity keeps digital identities secure – Physics World.

CNBC: Bitcoin's biggest upgrade in four years just happened – here's what changes

2021-11-14 Thread jim bell
CNBC: Bitcoin's biggest upgrade in four years just happened – here's what changes.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2021-11-14 Thread grarpamp
The Great Divide... Which one more likely to trend Libertarian... Leftists Support Tyranny, Conservatives Do Not; It's Time To Separate

Libertarian Party: Ashley Shade wins N.Adams,MA Council

2021-11-14 Thread grarpamp Convo w Ashley Shade 2021 Election Results Coverage

Privacy Tools . io

2021-11-14 Thread grarpamp
Hoe much of world is using things from this list?

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2021-11-14 Thread grarpamp
Reports of Human Rights Violations against Jan6 political prisoners over the last couple months. The US intends to imprison Assange in this system... Jan. 6 Defendants Taken Out Of Cells On Stretchers: Court Filing

RF: IAI Scorpius Electronic Warfare Beam Energy System

2021-11-14 Thread grarpamp
Unlike robot dogs drones etc meant to murder you, at least this one is relatively stationary thus mostly defensive. Perhaps someone will do an RF that can kill the Scorpius. "Revolution In Warfare" - Israel Unveils New Scorpius Electronic Warfare System

Re: [spam][crazy][personal] an early sunday

2021-11-14 Thread Karl
maybe there is a way to multiple frownedness by something so that PPO would learn to teach boss to smile

Re: [spam][crazy][personal] an early sunday

2021-11-14 Thread Karl
10:18 now i'm at here is my vim buffer import gym import numpy as np import time class Env(gym.Env): # spaces: gym.spaces.Box(low, high, shape=None, dtype=np.float32) # gym.spaces.Discrete(n) def

[spam][crazy][personal] an early sunday

2021-11-14 Thread Karl
My raspberry pi ubuntu gnome interface doesn't seem to show a clock at the moment, so I switch to PTY 3 (is that the right term? ctrl-alt-f3 makes it all nice and texty), to check the time. 08:55 UTC on 2021-11-14 . I'll open a terminal in gnome so I can see what I'm doing as I type. No familiar

Cryptocurrency: Biden Pick for OCC Omarova to Nationalize All Bank Accounts and Investments per MarxSocComSov

2021-11-14 Thread grarpamp
Joe Biden Corrupt Traitor literally picked Soviet born sworn and raised Marxist Agent Saule Omarova to head US Office Comptroller Currency publicly stating will Nationalize All Bank Accounts... There's that "democratize" word again, hardly means any good people think it means. Multiple channels

Re: From Fox News - FBI aware of and investigating fake FBI emails sent to thousands

2021-11-14 Thread grarpamp
On 11/14/21, jim bell wrote: > FBI aware of and investigating fake FBI emails sent to thousands > > > Embarrassing. As usual, lol.