Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
pre-existing example at looks like most setup code still manually inlined for dev tweaking

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
On 6/18/23, Karl Semich <> wrote: > i actually had trouble creating the model and building ggml. if i had i mean comstructing an empty basic transformer architecture here, not an actual model of anything. > ignored file storage i would possibly have skipped most of the > trouble. i

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
i actually had trouble creating the model and building ggml. if i had ignored file storage i would possibly have skipped most of the trouble. i was thinking of linking to ctransformers which is made for python but builds a library with load and eval functions for popular transformers middle

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
On 6/18/23, Karl Semich <> wrote: > ggml provides an opt function that performs training inside it based > on the number of iterations set in the parameters. this is why the > example code takes so many minutes to complete, it’s running the opt > pass 10k times on a single core. at

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
ggml provides an opt function that performs training inside it based on the number of iterations set in the parameters. this is why the example code takes so many minutes to complete, it’s running the opt pass 10k times on a single core. at a glance it looks like the performance stats are near

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
On 6/18/23, Karl Semich <> wrote: > here’s the code for the bayesian one: > > > i’m wondering if there’s more private than public research here dunno > > anyway it seems like these papers kind of say

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
here’s the code for the bayesian one: i’m wondering if there’s more private than public research here dunno anyway it seems like these papers kind of say the encoding of weights is a hyperparameter that hasn’t been

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
this seems helpful since transformers are so normal, it makes a transformer that makes other transformers: other papers have newer things for example generating a kernel-based bayesian model that combines information

Universal Neural-Cracking-Machines: Self-Configurable Password Models from Auxiliary Data

2023-06-18 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
bumped into this while scrubbing briefly for metalearning information We introduce the concept of "universal password model" -- a password model that, once pre-trained, can automatically change its guessing strategy based on the target system. To achieve this,

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
i’m considering which is purportedly a 2023 meta-learning review. i suspect my idea of the topic is a little off the mark.

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
it’s not immediately apparent where to find documentation on training in ggml but here’s the optimizer test code which performs a single optimization pass which might be sufficient if it actually works when nobody seems to be using it:

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
it looks like something extra is needed at the start or it won’t succeed without a lot more data collection. a quick idea would be direct controls that let the user direct the limb before it learns to infer their intent. i think it would make sense to try this with ggml, which seems to be where

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
— - ok so i saw a realworld person with handmade feed attached to amputations right below the knees and i got a rockawesome idea for a puzzle: free homebrew robotic prosthetic limbs that respond to user intention accurately. i think i’ve solved big chunks of the puzzle in outline form. the core

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
——- “i need a bus ticket to get to the fair!” the poor tulip was sad. it wanted to ride to the fair, but nobody was selling bus tickets to tulips. it out on its robot legs and walked back and forth

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
once upon a time a pore dead individual named Poded was infected with zombieism in their grave

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
i tried to message jenn about my idea of mind control being the impact of dissociated urgencies on decision making and how this is a studied and purportedly curable thing but the messenger is not loading

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
maybe we could model traditional zombieism as a virus-like disease that is capable of reanimating foesh and building behavior trends in reanimated nervous systems

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
i imagine it’s a scenario a lot of people have thought about, but of course i identify with brain-eating zombies in multiple ways, and consider their similarity to a mind control borg as artistically noncoincidental (re disease patterns, widespread unwise behaviors …) one of the major problems

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
—— something i spent some time enjoying thinking about while crazy was the idea of doing conflict mediation with a brain-eating zombie. i guess it basically revolved around a shared need for nourishment that our bodies accepted and was enjoyable to eat, and basically the zombie ends up eating

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
breathing instructor: “do you have any rhythmic behaviors that feel satisfying and energizing to you?”

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
breathing instructor: “have you ever heard of breathing, dude?” pause breathing instructor: “sorry, what i mean is, how do you give oxygen to your cells in outer space?” space lifeform: “i extract oxygen from my food when i digest it. i function on less than most do.”

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
discussion between breathing instructor and artificial biological lifeform engineered for life in outer space

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
boss instructs screaming orchestra stands in middle various diverse folk are ready to scream at him to the beat of his baton

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
message lost

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
every now and then the rain falls on my head and rains peace through my hair and coolness over my nose

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
once upon a time oh hmm not once upon a time boss was running a simulation of bosses one of his fake bosses refused to act bosslike fake boss 3: “i don’t want to take over the world! i want to be humble and respectful.” fake boss 3 crossed their arms and pouted. boss looked at fake boss 3.

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
lost message, something like: the key is to get the rounding error within the tilt bounds to compensate for timing mistakes pressing the paddle button and wear on the paddle spring second lost idea then, boss was ignoring tilt bounds and just picking up pinball machine and rolling ball into

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
the key is to get the rounding error within the tilt bounds to compensate for your timing mistakes pressing the paddle button and the wear that develops on the paddle spring

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
boss plays pinball the pinball game has a physics and engineering feature where when the ball strikes a paddle time stops inside the machine and the player is prompted to solve for the trajectory of the ball after the impact

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
extended message loss in network issue

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
this one was lost and isretyped: boss: “look for whores” simulated text adventure: “i don’t understand “for whores” to look at it. you are standing by a well house. what do you do?”

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
simulated text adventure welc9me to collossal cave you are standing by a well house what do you do >

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
boss sets a country of datacenters to simulate a text adventure for him the datacenters fill warehouses that have giant smokestacks that belch black smoke riverse run through them and the water comes out half steam

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
[they domt want to look down because they dont want to dive so they keep heading up]

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
—- suicidal ground diver is stuck at the top of a mountain

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
janitor: “now, i know this meeting is about energy infrastructure, but there is a more pressing issue.” boss sings a stanza from an opera janitor: “the problem you see with mr boss here, everybody has been developing these same problems.” investor: “some anonymous individuals were able to press

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
boss lays in a meeting his limbs jerk around sometimes he speaks

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
a visiting dignitary walks by the office. boss had an appointment with them. the whole mass jumps a little and begins moving toward the dignitary but most of the parts bump into whatever is in their way in that direction and get snagged again or more

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
parts of boss’s brain collect on his worktable and form a lobe here, a lobe there. parts move between the lobes as if trying to fit themselves into a puzzle unsuccessfully

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
some parts slither under the others and make for the door. they pile up, grab the knob, and open it

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
a cigar floats in the air unsmoked

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
boss descends from his office ceiling as a cloud of pixels and triangles stuck through rips in spacetime. they get snagged on things they go by and have trouble coming together into something bosslike

Re: [spam][crazy][ot] MCBoss Spinoffs 3

2023-06-18 Thread Karl Semich
boss plays holoretromud he enters holoretromud and is surrounded by a giant minecraft-like world of giant voxels aww man minecraft already made something ridiculously low resolution and modern yeah it was just going to be vr minecraft with mud dungeon theme

Re: [ot][spam][crazy] smidges of thinking of learning go

2023-06-18 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
i guess that’s how far i got looks like return specifications for void funcs are optional looks like exported symbols need be be titlecased i tried to put a relative path straight into an import statement but go complained this was not supported

Re: [ot][spam][crazy] smidges of thinking of learning go

2023-06-18 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
i redid it with ascii art from banner package by 0716

Re: [ot][spam][crazy] smidges of thinking of learning go

2023-06-18 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
maybe take a break and write something self-designed maybe i can find an ascii art package or something and use it. i’ll wipe my gohello folder and try to write code of my own

Re: [ot][spam][crazy] smidges of thinking of learning go

2023-06-18 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many go mod edit —replace #0706 go mod tidy go run . #0707 slow parts, a significant slowdown is posting updates but these could also help ground maybe noting the intent is to build skill via repetition

Re: [ot][spam][crazy] smidges of thinking of learning go

2023-06-18 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
it’s taking a long time for `go modtidy` to autodetect a new import and download it because i am on a phone proxy oh there it goes go run . # 06:58 the output message is poignant

Re: [ot][spam][crazy] smidges of thinking of learning go

2023-06-18 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many go mod init # 06:50 vim hello.go go run . # 06:51 holy frack i wrote a hello world program in two minutes.

Re: [ot][spam][crazy] smidges of thinking of learning go

2023-06-18 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many i have to decide whether to learn from the docs or a walkthru i guess i’ll do the walkthru but usually you’d do the docs (so you learn all the features rather than leaving some out)

Re: [ot][spam][crazy] smidges of thinking of learning go

2023-06-18 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
ok i found a place with go installed let’s jtry to speedrun maybe part of a tutorial?

Re: [ot][spam][crazy] smidges of thinking of learning go

2023-06-18 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
thought: maybe it could be helpful to find a tutorial but skim it super fast, skipping most if a biggest challenge for me could be just setting up a compiler

[ot][spam][crazy] smidges of thinking of learning go

2023-06-18 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
i wanted to add cloning to gothub, but go confuses me when considering learning a new language, it’s also valuable to consider how hard it would be in the future. usual a good software developer is language agnostic, such that even new languages are easy to work in.