Ever wonder what's on Freenet? If you're curious, there's a public FProxy 
webGUI at http://gel2bzjxrvcmqpji.onion:8888 
<http://gel2bzjxrvcmqpji.onion:8888/>. It's part of a darknet on the Tor 
OnionCat IPv6 overlay network. The other 20 peers are listed here: 
It runs in a Debain 8.11 Docker container, which is hosted in a Debain 9.6.0 
KVM domain, and that in turn is hosted on a Ubuntu 18.10 KVM VPS. Iptables 
rules at VPS and KVM domain levels block all Internet access except through Tor 
and OnionCat.I'll check it periodically. If someone has broken it, I'll restart 
the Docker container. If someone has managed to break the KVM domain, I'll 
restore that from backup. And if someone has gone the extra mile to break the 
VPS, I'll restore that from backup.
This may seem bizarre to privacy lovers. I mean, I could be logging everything! 
But the point is providing easy-to-use access to Freenet that's secured from 
third parties. If you decide that it's worth the hassle, I recommend running 
your own node, connecting through OnionCat IPv6 peers. Or through I2P GarlicCat 
peers, if you like.
While I could be logging everything, that's arguably more-or-less irrelevant, 
because Tor renders you and the node mutually anonymous. Not perfectly 
anonymous, true. But there's arguably little risk, unless you and/or the node 
have been targeted. Just be prudent. Especially be prudent about downloading 
files from the node. I recommend using Whonix, on a machine with full-disk 
encryption. Or Tails, with encrypted USB storage.

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