On Sat, Sep 17, 2016 at 05:13:18AM +0000, jim bell wrote:
> https://www.yahoo.com/news/entangled-particles-reveal-even-spookier-action-thought-125723794.html
> [partial quote]
> Sorry, Einstein: It looks like the world is spooky ??? even when your most 
> famous theory is tossed out.This finding comes from a close look at quantum 
> entanglement, in which two particles that are "entangled" affect each other 
> even when separated by a large distance. Einstein found that his theory of 
> special relativity meant that this weird behavior was impossible, calling it 
> "spooky."Now, researchers have found that even if they were to scrap this 
> theory, allowing entangled particles to communicate with each other faster 
> than the??speed of light??or even instantaneously, that couldn't explain the 
> odd behavior. The findings rule out certain "realist" interpretations of 
> spooky quantum behavior. [Infographic: How Quantum Entanglement Works]"What 
> that tells us is that we have to look a little bit deeper," said study 
> co-author Martin Ringbauer, a doctoral candidate in physics at the University 
> of Queensland in Australia. "This kind of action-at-a-distance is not enough 
> to explain quantum correlations" seen between entangled particles, Ringbauer 
> said.
> Action at a distance
> Most of the time, the world seems ??? if not precisely orderly ??? then at 
> least governed by fixed rules. At the macroscale, cause-and-effect rules the 
> behavior of the universe,??time always marches forward??and objects in the 
> universe have objective, measurable properties. ??But zoom in enough, and 
> those common-sense notions seem to evaporate. At the subatomic scale, 
> particles can become entangled, meaning their fates are bizarrely linked. For 
> instance, if two photons are sent from a laser through a crystal, after they 
> fly off in separate directions, their spin will be linked the moment one of 
> the particles is measured. Several studies have now confirmed that, no matter 
> how far apart entangled particles are, how fast one particle is measured, or 
> how many times particles are measured, their states become inextricably 
> linked once they are measured.For nearly a century, physicists have tried to 
> understand what this means about the universe. The dominant interpretation 
> was that entangled particles have no fixed position or orientation until they 
> are measured. Instead, both particles travel as the sum of the probability of 
> all their potential positions, and both only "choose" one state at the moment 
> of measurement. This behavior seems to defy notions of Einstein's theory 
> ofspecial relativity, which argues that no information can be transmitted 
> faster than the speed of light. It was so frustrating to Einstein that he 
> famously called it "spooky action at a distance."??To get around this notion, 
> in 1935, Einstein and colleagues Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen laid out a 
> paradox that could test the alternate hypothesis that some hidden variable 
> affected the fate of both objects as they traveled. If the hidden variable 
> model were true, that would mean "there's some description of reality which 
> is objective," Ringbauer told Live Science. [Spooky! The Top 10 Unexplained 
> Phenomena]Then in 1964, Irish physicist John Stewart Bell came up with a 
> mathematical expression, now known as Bell's Inequality, that 
> could??experimenta

Interesting experiment shows "Quantum teleportation was just achieved
over more than 7 km of city fibre"..  Independent teams in China
and Canada just showed... something interesting, "sending" quantum
information over existing fiber networks in Calgary and Hefei

Still parsing the story, but it seems to have definite implications
for crypto.




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