Some truly joyous news from France as The Ministry ramps up its
protection of the European invaders, I mean immigrants.

On the heels of the 5th anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo massacre
comes implicit blasphemy laws.  Go France!

Did I meantion Islam is a relision of peace? What I really mean is,
Islam is -THE- Religion Of Peace :)

  France Quietly Reintroducing The Crime Of Blasphemy

    Now under police protection, Mila is in such danger that no
    French school can, for the time being, accommodate her.
    "I can't set foot in my high school anymore and I can't even
    change schools because the whole of France is out to get me", she
    For not having understood what is clear to everyone -- that Islam
    is a "religion of peace" -- she is threatened with death, rape
    and having her throat cut.

    When multiculturalism turns into threats to free speech,
    multiculturalists dangerously take the side of the Islamists. The
    case of Mila represents all the cracks in the disintegration of
    French society. According to the French journalist, Dominique

        "A few weeks after the commemoration of the massacre at
        Charlie [Hebdo], the 'Mila affair' shows the disturbing
        asymmetry that reigns in France regarding freedom of
        expression, or more precisely, blasphemy."

    Not one, but two investigations were opened, one for the death
    threats received by Mila and the other against Mila for
    "provoking religious hatred" (later dismissed).
    The controversy redoubled when the general delegate of the French
    Council for Muslim Worship, Abdallah Zekri, said that the girl
    had "looked for" trouble: "She must bear the consequences of what
    she said.  Who sows the wind reaps the whirlwind".
    Islamists are
    daily testing the resilience of our democratic societies.

    Mila's controversy took on a new dimension when Minister of
    Justice Nicole Belloubet, after having first condemned the death
    threats received by Mila, declared: "Insulting religion is
    obviously an attack on freedom of conscience; it is serious."

    There were even those, such as the historian of religion, Oden
    Vallet, claiming that Mila is "responsible" for future terror

    Malka also wrote that "no human rights organizations has
    protested or expressed solidarity with the girl whose life has
    suddenly been plunged into hiding". Feminist organizations, so
    quick to denounce "toxic masculinity" and "patriarchal structures
    of domination", were also silent.

    Today, in France, using freedom of expression to criticize Islam
    is clearly an extremely dangerous act, even if you, like Mila,
    are a child. Those who disassociate themselves from Mila wear
    masks of submission.

    After the massacre at Charlie Hebdo, Pope Francis said, "Curse my
    mother, expect a punch", and blamed the cartoonists for their own
    Islamists are winning the ideological battle and we are behaving
    like cowards. Will 16-year-old Mila have to be murdered to unify
    people enough so that the cowards can say "Je suis Mila" for 24

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