Democrats, Media, Social, Tech, and Deep State...

All took the risk of exposure and boldly and publicly executed their,
formerly quiet, coordinated Bias and Censor Operations in 2020,
to horror of all who noted and documented it happening.

Why risk exposure for just a silly election? Besides benefit to
election, a real trial run of operation was needed for the next
much bigger applications, one of which being...

When the last country on the planet with a mass of legally held
civilian firearms, ultimately for protection of human rights
against Government gone wrong (that thing the world is
both historically and today quite full of), moves to forcibly
take them away... they do NOT want those thefts and deaths
televised, tweeted, and livestreamed.

Recall Biden partnered Beto via the Burger Joint Agreement... Beto O'Rourke Exposed Beto O'Rourke well known

One day people will realize what stacking the courts, socialism,
communism, marxism, BigGov, and adding three new states worth
of constitution changing votes, and rampant censorship... means,
and it won't be about them keeping their freedom.

μολὼν λαβέ

ps: Nevermind Democrats irrational uneducated logic...

or Big Tech Manipulation of what you see...
Clicks for Breitbart News from 'Joe Biden' Google searches were
healthy until mid-2020, when they flatlined. Ask anybody in digital
news: Do searches for candidates' names decline as we get closer to
elections?  Censors exposed worldwide

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