Do we need to understand things in order to predict and control them?

ChatGPT: It is generally easier to predict and control things that we 
understand. When we have a good understanding of something, we can identify 
patterns and regularities, and use this knowledge to make informed predictions 
about how the thing will behave in the future. We can also use our 
understanding of a thing to identify key variables that we can manipulate in 
order to control it.

However, it is possible to predict and control things without a full 
understanding of them. For example, we can use machine learning algorithms to 
make predictions about things that we don't fully understand, by finding 
patterns in data that we have collected about them. We can also use feedback 
loops and other control mechanisms to control things without necessarily 
understanding how they work in detail.

Overall, understanding can be helpful for predicting and controlling things, 
but it is not strictly necessary.

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